thanks for the help. but i feel like the problem is the export from tbc to google earth. the photos are correct in all other spots, on the data collector and on the computer after copying them to the computer. all photos were taken with the data collector in the standard vertical position. (keyboard legible orientation but screen landscape). this is maybe not the obvious default orientation because it is an android based software which if like most phones the default would be portrait. that is all sort of besides the point, i just want them to show up correctly, and not have to tweak the kmz unless it is real simple. i did download infranview and jpd spinner, but since the photos already exist in the correct orientation on the computer i don't think i would use either of those tools. i guess there could be a 'find and replace' solution in the kml code, but i am not familiar with it. here is a snippet of the kml code. i don' t know much about this, but one of the items after the width could maybe be used for the orientation.
<description><![CDATA[<table><tr><th colspan="2">Coordinates</th></tr><tr><td>Northing</td><td>6020078.830 m</td></tr><tr><td>Easting</td><td>654852.463 m</td></tr><tr><td>Elevation</td><td>915.849 m</td></tr><div align="center"><tr><td colspan="2"><h2><font size="2"><b>20211014_103232.jpg</b></font></h2></td></tr><tr><td colspan="2"><img src="20211014_103232.jpg" width="640"/></td></tr></div></table>]]></description>
i also just saved the kmz to kml format out of google earth and the image is again correct.
ian bissonnette
Original Message:
Sent: 10-23-2021 09:58
From: Joel Cusick
Subject: TBC to Google Earth KML export
Paul Lohr's suggestion is excellent. Irfanview is a must have photo editor that is particularly good at understanding EXIF which many programs, including the silly Windows photo tools do not.
I'll back up even further, and though I don't have a TSC5, as mentioned by the original poster, but if there is an option under the camera settings on the TSC5 to "auto rotate", then engage that. An iphone for example, when told to auto rotate, understands the landscape or portrait mode you are physically holding the camera at, and rotates the photo "back" to an upright position. This may solve at the root, the cause of the captured photos being seeded with the wrong orientation in EXIF. EXIF rules are strictly enforced, many times, its sloppy camera apps that don't compensate for a field person who needs rotation of the camera to get the job done.
Joel Cusick
Original Message:
Sent: 10-22-2021 06:03
From: Paul Lohr
Subject: TBC to Google Earth KML export
There's a program that has been beneficial to me for occasions like this. Look for IrfanView. It is a free / 'donations accepted' program.
You may want to make a backup copy of your photos. Then maybe try using File --> Batch Conversion / Rename, Batch Conversion Settings / Options button, choose Reset EXIF orientation tag. For simplicity, choose an output folder that is different than your input folder (it is possible to overwrite the existing files but let's keep this simple). Add the photos to the Input Files section and click Start Batch. I hope that does it but it doesn't fix every EXIF rotation issue.
Paul Lohr
Original Message:
Sent: 10-21-2021 15:18
From: James McWha
Subject: TBC to Google Earth KML export
I think the issue here is Google Earth not reading the EXIF orientation tags in the image. For more information please see the following:
James McWha
Original Message:
Sent: 10-21-2021 13:21
From: ian bissonnette
Subject: TBC to Google Earth KML export
i was just exporting a project with photos to google earth. tbc 5.51. just some basic rtk shots with photos attached with TSC5 data collector. would like to export to google earth for clients to review photos. but all the photos are coming into google upside down. they come in to the right georefrenced location but all are upside down. these are just bore hole locations, so it is not the end of the world that they are upside down, but for a more serious project, this is a major problem. any suggestions or fixes, i guess i will mention it to our supplier for a ticket as well.
ian bissonnette