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Compare model in Trimble Connect

  • 1.  Compare model in Trimble Connect

    Posted 05-24-2021 06:45
    Hi Guy and Developer,

    In Trimble Connect I need more feature as compare model between difference version. It very good feature to working with BIM workflow. After know how difference can make view and To Do.

    Please see this link for idea

    BIM Vision Moduł Compare
    YouTube remove preview
    BIM Vision Moduł Compare
    Prezentujemy nowy moduł: Compare. Służy on do porównywania geometrii i właściwości obiektów. Pozwala porównać dwa dowolne obiekty w modelu oraz zidentyfikowa...
    View this on YouTube >


    Hoa Nguyen
    Technical Specialist

  • 2.  RE: Compare model in Trimble Connect

    Posted 05-27-2021 22:06
    Hi Hoa,

    I belive we dont have this function yet in TC.
    There are a request about this function 3 years ago but seems no update yet Development request Revision Change Management | Trimble Connect User Forum


    Cuong Hoang Van

  • 3.  RE: Compare model in Trimble Connect

    Posted 06-24-2021 06:14
    Hi Hoa / Cuong,
    ​This is a valuable feedback. However, this is currently in our backlog. 


    Darshan Rajaram Kamat

  • 4.  RE: Compare model in Trimble Connect

    Posted 03-22-2022 09:17
    Hi, do you have some news about this function?

    Fernando Valdivieso

  • 5.  RE: Compare model in Trimble Connect

    Posted 03-23-2022 00:28
    Edited by Jari Juntunen 03-23-2022 00:29

    Thanks for reaching out. Could you describe your model comparison need in a bit more detail? It would be very valuable input for our development.

    1. Which model formats do you mainly work with and need to compare? Is it IFC only, or also some other formats?
    2. Which entities do you need to compare in your workflow? Which are the most important of the choices below: 
      1. any 2 model files in the project
      2. any 2 versions of a single model file in the project
      3. any 2 individual model objects in 3D
    3. Do you need to compare the object geometry (changed, deleted, added)?
    4. Do you need to compare the object properties (changed, deleted, added)?
      1. Are you mostly interested in the part level properties?
      2. Or the assembly level properties?
    5. If the comparison tool could produce a permanent "difference model file" that contains only the changes and save it to the project folder, would you use the feature? What would you use the "diff model" for?

    Thanks and best regards,

    Jari Juntunen

  • 6.  RE: Compare model in Trimble Connect

    Posted 03-24-2022 07:36
    1. mainly ifc format, but it would be handy to extend it to several other formats.
    2. most important 2 versions of a single model file in the project
    3/4. both geometry and proprieties, with prevalence on the geometry
    5. it would be good have this type of feature, plus a option to create custom reports of the differences

    Note: it's important to have the possibility to share views and Todos.


    Marco Perazzo

  • 7.  RE: Compare model in Trimble Connect

    Posted 09-12-2022 23:55
      |   view attached
    1. Especially for IFC, but a Tekla model comparison would not be bad either.
    2. any 2 versions of a single model file in the project
    3. Yes, displayed in separate colours as in the IFC comparison within Tekla Structures (yellow modified, red deleted, green new element, grey unchanged)
    4. Yes 
    5. It's enough to generate a view that I can save and share with others. I can assign tasks to each part of it.

      It is a big problem and takes a lot of effort to find the discrepancies between the newer and newer IFC versions received from each contributor. This feature works very well within Tekla Structures, it just needs to be implemented in Trimble Connect. Because that way I can delegate tasks and problems to people who are not Tekla Structures users.

      A contributor always sends IFC data from the same source, so there is no need to compare different IFC files generated from different programs.

      János Borbély

    6. 8.  RE: Compare model in Trimble Connect

      Posted 09-26-2022 16:54
      Edited by Tero Laine 09-26-2022 17:57
      Model comparison is in the latest Trimble Connect for Windows (

      Trimble Connect for Windows User Guide - Comparing Models in 3D
      Trimble remove preview
      Trimble Connect for Windows User Guide - Comparing Models in 3D
      Section Contents
      View this on Trimble >

      Too bad the pictures in documentation are too small for me to see all the ui details.

      Best Regards,
      T Laine

    7. 9.  RE: Compare model in Trimble Connect

      Posted 09-27-2022 04:22
      Hello @Tero Laine

      Thank you for highlighting the new feature release. You're right, the 3D Model Comparison feature was released in the TC for Windows 1.16.0 version on September 16th.

      P.S. Thank you for the feedback regarding the user guide documentation. The pictures should be bigger now.

      Best regards,

      Jari Juntunen

    8. 10.  RE: Compare model in Trimble Connect

      Posted 09-28-2022 10:53
      Edited by Tero Laine 09-28-2022 11:00
      You are welcome!

      1) Pics are now very readable thank you
      2) Lots of room in UI...add a legend showing which color is which?
      3) Allow control which attributes are compared / not compared
      4) Any chance it will appear soon in browser version too? I can see the saved comparison result uploaded but it takes ages to open...still waiting.
      Saved view opened in browser did not show the comparison colorization so that is not a solution. Would like to communicate changes via browser version as sometimes people don't like to download stuff even if it means they can see the magic.

      Best Regards,
      T Laine

    9. 11.  RE: Compare model in Trimble Connect

      Posted 09-28-2022 11:12
      Should I not always see the old and new value if there are changes?

      I have objects on "Changed - Properties" layer but have no idea what has changed.

      Best Regards,
      T Laine

    10. 12.  RE: Compare model in Trimble Connect

      Posted 05-15-2023 03:10

      Hi Jari,
      Is there a plan to bring this feature to the Web version as well?

      Thomas Henke

    11. 13.  RE: Compare model in Trimble Connect

      Posted 05-15-2023 08:05

      Hi Thomas,

      The 3D Model Comparison is available in TC for Windows application.

      Currently the feature is not in the TC Web 3D Viewer roadmap. We have now recorded your feature request into the product's backlog.

      Kind regards,

      Jari Juntunen