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TDC150 and ESRI  ArcGIS collector

  • 1.  TDC150 and ESRI  ArcGIS collector

    Posted 07-27-2020 05:43

    1. ArcGIS collector crashes after 15-20min on a TDC150. Lack of processing power might be a reason. Does anyone else experience the same issue?


    2. The TDC150 and the TDC100 will not be supported by the new Collector that will be part of the package of Esri software called “ArcGIS Field Maps”.  At minimum, Esri will only support Android 8 iOS 13 and higher.

    Introducing ArcGIS Field Maps  

    Which hardware has Trimble available to run ArcGIS Field Maps?

  • 2.  Re: TDC150 and ESRI  ArcGIS collector

    Posted 07-28-2020 02:26

    HI Wim


    With regards to #1 we are looking into this along with ESRI and will communicate any information we can when we have it when it is available


    For #2  ArcGIS Field Maps will run on Android 8.0 and iOS 13 devices and later.

    • This means the TDC600 and Nomad 5 will support this application (but the TDC100/150* will not)
    • Trimble GNSS receivers that can be used with the TDC600 and Nomad 5 include:
      • Submeter: R1 or R2 (with Android & iOS compatible), EM100 (with Nomad 5 - Android), Catalyst (with Android devices)
      • Decimeter: Catalyst (with Android devices)
      • RTK/Centimeter: R2, or R10, Catalyst (with Android devices)


    Trimble software and SDK teams are working directly with Esri’s field ops software team to integrate support for Trimble GNSS solutions with ArcGIS Field Maps prior to launch, otherwise you can utilise the Trimble Mobile Manager app and mock locations to consume Trimble GNSS In ArcGIS Field Maps



    The TDC100 and TDC150 will continue to support ESRI Collector (Classic and Current) as well as other ESRI Field apps.

    Some notes on Collector's lifecycle

    • Collector Classic will be available until December 31st 2020 - take a look at the ESRI Blog here
    • ArcGIS Collector (Current/latest version) - ESRI have indicated that they will officially support the app and it will be available to download directly from the Google Play store and Apple iOS App store until at least the middle of 2021. After this timeframe, the APK for Android device users will be available to download and sideload.

  • 3.  RE: Re: TDC150 and ESRI  ArcGIS collector

    Posted 08-05-2021 05:20
    Bonjour Tom 
    Je suis entrain aussi d'acheter des nomades Trimble, le TDC 600 et le T100, je souhaiterai savoir quelles sont les performances du T 100 avec le logiciel ArcPad de ESRI (me le recommanderiez vous ?) à part celui ci existe t il un autre plus indiqué pour utiliser les applications de collecte de données.  et

    Qu'en est il également des performances du TDC 600 pour l'utilisation de l'application Collector for ArcGIS ?

    Je compte sur votre support

    Mamadou Lamarana Barry

  • 4.  Re: TDC150 and ESRI  ArcGIS collector

    Posted 09-23-2020 04:19

    Hi Tom,


    Our customers have the same experience with combination of TDC150 and new ArcGIS Collector (plus TMM). ArcGIS Collector crashes several times times during two hours of data collection.

    So, any information on solving this problem as well as on TDC150 and ArcGIS Field Maps in future is appreciated.

  • 5.  Re: TDC150 and ESRI  ArcGIS collector

    Posted 09-23-2020 04:44

    Hi David


    Take a look at the response from Matt Morris on 08-Sept-2020 18:51 here Trimble HW & SW support for ESRI apps 

    In short engineers from both ESRI and Trimble are working on this issue for a solution. ESRI are a big machine and so this may time a little time

    For now you should use Collector Classic with Android mock locations using the SPace app for more reliable performance and as soon as there is a solution we will post it across the community

  • 6.  Re: TDC150 and ESRI  ArcGIS collector

    Posted 09-23-2020 05:59

    Hi Tom,


    Thank you very much for the fast response and tip!

    I will take a look...


    Best Regards,


  • 7.  Re: TDC150 and ESRI  ArcGIS collector

    Posted 09-23-2020 10:12

    I think there's been some confusion surrounding this subject.  I think we all know by now that the TDC150 will not support the new Esri Field Maps.  However, in my experience, it also will not support the new Collector, also known as Collector Aurora.  I have been told that it will support the original Collector, known as Collector Classic, but not Aurora.  I would love some detailed clarification on this, as I need to be representing a combination of software and hardware that works.  

  • 8.  Re: TDC150 and ESRI  ArcGIS collector

    Posted 09-23-2020 14:13

    Hi Jim,


    Currently there is a technical issue when running Collector Aurora which results in a crash. As Matt has previously indicated, we are actively working with Esri to address this issue and expect positive news on that very soon. We will keep everyone updated as soon as that happens. 


    Best Regards,



  • 9.  Re: TDC150 and ESRI  ArcGIS collector

    Posted 09-23-2020 14:20

    Thank you.  That was my original understanding. Thank you for your confirmation.


    Jim Lahm | Mapping & GIS Sales

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  • 10.  RE: Re: TDC150 and ESRI  ArcGIS collector

    Posted 08-31-2021 00:25
    Edited by Alexander Klausegger 08-31-2021 00:53
    Hi Mark,
    could you tell me about the status of the discussion with Esri about the issue of the Collector app (Aurora) crashing when using TDC150?

    We are using ArcGIS Collector (Version 20.2.2)  on a Trimble TDC 150 device with Android 6.0.1 and the Collector app crashes everytime when starting Collector and trying to sign in to ArcGIS Online.

    I have found the following BUG-ID where it is explained, that the issue was found in 20.2.1 and implemented in 20.2.2:

    Nevertheless, the problem also occurs in 20.2.2?!

    Using Field Maps unfortunately is not an option.

    Best regards,

    Alexander Klausegger

  • 11.  RE: Re: TDC150 and ESRI  ArcGIS collector

    Posted 08-31-2021 08:10

    Hi Alexander,

    In partnership with ESRI, we have developed a fix for the issue you are referring to. Can you confirm you are using the "Share Location" method of providing the Trimble GNSS location to ESRI Collector that is required for the solution to work as expected? The details of this solution and steps to set it up can be found at the post Update: Collector on Android 6 hardware with Trimble receivers (e.g., TDC150/SP20).

    Lane Carter

  • 12.  RE: Re: TDC150 and ESRI  ArcGIS collector

    Posted 08-31-2021 08:23
    Hi Lane,

    thank you four your reply. Yes we have activated "Share Location" on TrimbleMobileManager. 
    I do not have the permission to view this blog post. Is there any possibility that I can view it?

    Best regards,

    Alexander Klausegger

  • 13.  RE: Re: TDC150 and ESRI  ArcGIS collector

    Posted 08-31-2021 08:30
    Hi Alexander,

    My apologies, I will send the information to you in a direct message.

    Lane Carter

  • 14.  Re: TDC150 and ESRI  ArcGIS collector

    Posted 10-14-2020 14:13

    any status update?

  • 15.  Re: TDC150 and ESRI  ArcGIS collector

    Posted 10-14-2020 15:40

    Hi Gale,


    We are exited to have a solution for this. I am drafting the post right now and will respond on this thread once that post is live. Thank you all for your extended patience on this topic.


    - Lane

  • 16.  Re: TDC150 and ESRI  ArcGIS collector

    Posted 10-15-2020 23:31

    Hello, can you check with ESRI Inc where they are on BUG-000134572?

    Customers of us experienced crashes with the classical Collector when uploading attachments using the TDC150. Can you please test this in detail. 

    Customer is not far from taking legal steps.

  • 17.  Re: TDC150 and ESRI  ArcGIS collector

    Posted 10-16-2020 02:17

    Hi Wim

    I'm afraid Trimble can't help with ESRI specific support issues.

    This specific thread is concerned with the Trimble GNSS integration and loading of the TDC150 with the Collector app, so our joint work with ESRI only extends to these components.


    You will need to take this up with the ESRI support team themselves.

  • 18.  Re: TDC150 and ESRI  ArcGIS collector

    Posted 10-19-2020 03:05

    Lane's written great post on the reseller only community covering the latest on this  Update: Collector on Android 6 hardware with Trimble receivers (e.g., TDC150/SP20) 

  • 19.  Re: TDC150 and ESRI  ArcGIS collector

    Posted 10-23-2020 04:15
      |   view attached

    Hello Tom,


    thank you for your post.

    We had two important online conferences this week so, I have finally found a time to see it just today.

    However, I cannot – it looks like I am not authorised for this section:


    Would you be so kind and give me the access, please.


    Best Regards,

    David Jindra

  • 20.  Re: TDC150 and ESRI  ArcGIS collector

    Posted 10-26-2020 03:44

    Hi David - you should have access now

  • 21.  Re: TDC150 and ESRI  ArcGIS collector

    Posted 10-27-2020 05:08

    Hi Tom,


    I have the same issue as David.

    Could you give me the access as well.




  • 22.  Re: TDC150 and ESRI  ArcGIS collector

    Posted 10-27-2020 05:20

    Hi Max


    The MGIS Reseller Community is for our distribution partners only - you can contact your Trimble reseller directly for support and help with any Trimble products that they sell and have sold to you directly
    A quick way of finding your resellers contact details is through the URL here: Where to Buy | Trimble Geospatial 

  • 23.  Re: TDC150 and ESRI  ArcGIS collector

    Posted 10-27-2020 05:28

    Hi Tom,


    thanks for your quick reply.

    I was in touch with our local distributor (Allterra Austria) and the couldn't help me any further.

    Furthermore we a are a reselling partner of Allterra Austria. I'm not quite sure if this meets the criteria of a Trimble distribution partner, but if it does, it would be great to unlock that feature for us.




  • 24.  Re: TDC150 and ESRI  ArcGIS collector

    Posted 10-27-2020 05:53

    Hi Max

    You'll need to go through AllTerra Austria I'm afraid. The MGIS reseller community is for resellers only

  • 25.  RE: Re: TDC150 and ESRI  ArcGIS collector

    Posted 01-05-2021 10:38
    Hi Tom,

    I am also a distributor without access to this post. Any advice? I would appreciate being able to read it.

    Kara O'Neill
    NY Precision


  • 26.  RE: Re: TDC150 and ESRI  ArcGIS collector

    Posted 04-14-2021 08:48
    Hello Tom,

    May I please get access to this article as well?

    Thank you,

    Stephanie Clarke

  • 27.  RE: Re: TDC150 and ESRI  ArcGIS collector

    Posted 05-21-2021 07:06
    I would like to see this blog but cannot access it through the provided link.  How can I get permission to view this blog?
