Hey Ronny, Could you pass along the full exception? I tried doing this myself and couldn't see any issues, both using the LayerManager in TBC and a macro ("CopyLayerGroupMembers") that edit the DefaultColor ...
Thanks Ronny I've followed you on GitHub. I don't have public repositories yet because all of my work has been for companies. I will probably do some sample macros that lean on C# so others can see at ...
Just tried to run my rename/copy layer macro in 2024.10. It fails when I try to set the color of the new layer to the value of the old one, or any Color. outputlayer.DefaultColor = o.DefaultColor outputlayer.DefaultColor ...
Yesterday I went through the ordeal with IT and updated to 2024.10. It's still moving but at a much tinier rate. You'll only see it visually after hundreds of rotations. Below example is a forward/backward ...
Updating a feature code and have the world view and point spreadsheet update works for me if I use the usual encapsulation in with TransactMethodCall(self.currentProject.TransactionCollector) as failGuard: ...