Hi Andy, SketchUp's annotations and dimensions do not go well inside the model viewer of Trimble Connect. It is a known issue and is being looked into. In general it is recommended not to include ...
When displaying the content of an IFC file in a view, the Attribute value of a specific object is incorrectly represented. In Tekla Structures, I configured the UDA with the EXCEPTVOL attribute for two ...
Long time Sketchup user, but new to Trimble Connect and these forums ... I need to collaborate with my structural engineer and since he is also a Sketchup user, I thought using Connect might make sense, ...
Hi, The selective sync for multiple hierarchies of folders is still allowed. Could you please share the project and folder structure where you are facing issues with our Support team (connect-support@trimble.com) ...
Hello I am not sure if anyone here notice, but Trimble Connect Sync (on x86 Windows) used to allow selective subfolders down the entire directory of the project in its Sync Schedule. At some point over ...