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PRODUCT UPDATE - 08-24-2021: Introducing CAD file editing(BETA) support in Trimble Connect for Browser! 

08-24-2021 11:13

Connect for Browser now enables opening and editing DWG and DXF files in our online CAD application!

Aug 24, 2021

Many Trimble Connect projects contain lots of drawings which require downloading of those files if (small) edits and/or layout views are needed so they can be edited offline and then reuploaded. This results in a changed drawing that needs to be shared with the project team. Editing of drawing files also requires installation of software on the end user’s system.

Trimble Connect has created a pilot test for our new CAD editor & viewer that will allow users to edit drawings in the cloud and have it saved directly into the project in order to test demand and value to our customers.

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About Trimble Connect CAD

There will be two modes for the CAD application: 

View Mode

Basic Features

  • Zoom
  • Pan
  • Measure
  • Properties
  • Layer Visibility
  • Navigate Layouts
  • Rebuild
  • View control
  • Print to PDF
  • Download (dwg/dxf)
  • Download as PDF
  • Go to Edit mode (if user has permissions/file-status)

Edit Mode

Basic Features

  • Modify layers
    • Layer manager
    • Layer groups
    • Change Layer settings
  • Edit functions 
    • Create new Layout tab
    • Define viewport(s)
    • Add title blocks
  • Dimensions
    • Dimension tools
    • Dimension styles
    • Font styles/formatting
  • Add or fix XREF paths
  • Ability to save to Connect (Connect) 
  • Print (w/ XREFs) - (Connect) 
  • Print to PDF
  • Download (dwg/dxf)
  • Download as PDF


Trimble Connect for Browser now enables opening DWG and DXF drawings in our cloud based CAD application (BETA)! If you have a Trimble Connect Business license, you will be able to edit drawings and save changes directly to Trimble Connect! 

After activation of “Edit” mode, CAD file content can be changed without downloading the file to your local machine or needing to  re-upload after completing your edits.

Opening Files in Trimble Connect CAD

  1. Open your project in Trimble Connect for Browser.
  2. Go to the Explorer page.
  3. Select a DWG or DXF file.
  4. When you have selected a file, the detail panel will open on the right-side.
  5. Click the View in button and select CAD Viewer to launch Trimble Connect CADBETA in another tab.

  6. Click Edit to enter Edit mode.

Saving Files

After activation of “Edit” mode, CAD file content can be changed without downloading the file to your local machine and re-uploading after completing your edits. Once you are done with your changes, you can click Save to have the new version added to your project. 

Changes made to the file content are saved directly to Connect and result in a new version of the file, accessible through the file details in the right-side panel in Data Explorer. Note that there is a delay of about a minute for the file version change to be visible.


  1. Users must have a project in Trimble Connect
  2. Supported file types are DWG and DXF
  3. For viewing drawings in our CAD viewer, users must have a Trimble Connect for Free license 
  4. For editing drawings users must have a Trimble Connect Business or higher license 

Please note that this application is in BETA

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