Release date: 18.05.2022
For release notes related to Quadri for Windows go here.
NEW: Support for AutoCAD 2023 products
IMPROVED: If startRadius/endRadius on clothoids are different from the neighboring elements, then the user will get a warning and an extra radius column will auto-expand. This is to make the user aware of the difference in radiuses and so that they always see them when they are present.
NEW: Change the slope from positive to negative values by rightclicking and choose to 'Change prefix'.
IMPROVED: When a WS-trench is removed from the Quadrimodel, but present in the 'Closed Ditch' dialog, then the user will get a warning about not being able to find the trench.
IMPROVED: Left surfaces in Road Surface dialog had a 'minus' that was not always showing well.
CHANGED: Default terrain section filtering value is set to 1cm for horizontal and vertical, as it used to be (Road model Settings > Terrain sections > Advanced > Filtering terrain sections)
FIXED: Subgrade dialog content didn't always store/clear as expected.
FIXED: Blocked the possibility to do changes to non-reserved tasks. This was never possible, but it could look like it, and it produced an error message. Not the 'Finish'-button in dialogs are disabled.
IMPROVED:Copy propertiesFunction is improved. It is now possible to paste properties from pipes and manholes to several objects. Previously the function was canceled after pasting on one object. The function is now active until you manually cancel it by pressing the esc button.
Angle helpline on connection pointsNew function when right click on connection points, now possible to add helplines for different angles on connection points. Type inn angle and length of helplines in order to more easily find the right correct angle between pipes.
Draw 3D model to solidNow possible to add “Name(ID)” from manhole in the layer name.
Draw Stakeout DataNow possible to add “Name(ID)” from manhole in the layer name of stakeout points
FIXED: Updated all ..FELTNAVN according to KMD list pr 18.november 2021
FIXED: Added “Havneområde i sjø [6220]. This was missing.
FIXED: Rotation of symbol “Avkjørsel - kun utkjøring”
FIXED: Better handling of arcs
IMPROVED: Import and export of LandXML regarding handling of Cant and Cant offsets when no clothoid between Line and Arc.
FIXED: 3D-drawing: Sometimes crossing tunnels were drawn as solids even though the surface option was chosen. This is now fixed.
FIXED: Sometimes the Distance Calculation Drawing crashed. This is now fixed.
FIXED: Sometimes the Geology and Rock Support Generation functionality crashed. This is now fixed.