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Trimble Business Center Power Hour: TML Macro Capabilities 

01-15-2020 14:01

We’ll take a deep dive into the Trimble Macro Language (TML) Macro Capabilities of Trimble Business Center. Topics include:

  • What is a TML Macro?
  • Why did Trimble add Macro capabilities to TBC?
  • How do I access TMLs for TBC?
  • How do I know when a New Macro becomes available?
  • How do I know when a TML Macro has been updated?
  • Why does Trimble develop TMLs?
  • Who else develops TMLs?
  • Are they Free or do I have to pay for the TML extensions?
  • If I have a product need and want a TML written - who can do that for me?
  • What TMLs are available and what do they do / how do they help me do my job better / faster?

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