Thank you for the follow up.
This helps a lot in explaining "Best Practices" for Importing into the Project Manager.
Original Message:
Sent: 02-27-2023 10:53
From: Markus Koper
Subject: Importing Lines: dxf, csv and or shp into a Project - "Best Practices"
Best practice:
- DXF/DWG will import graphic including lines etc.
- SHAPE will import graphic & attributes including lines & GIS
- CSV is for points only!
Take care that the coordinate system matches between Import-Data & Settings for Penmap Project
For the Import-Process you need the Project Manager (Windows desktop application)
The Project Manager is available via Trimble Installation Manager.
The Project Manager has a really good HELP included, I recommend to check this.
Markus Koper
Original Message:
Sent: 02-27-2023 10:39
From: Jay Riester
Subject: Importing Lines: dxf, csv and or shp into a Project - "Best Practices"
I had a customer recently ask me for "Best Practices" when Importing Lines: dxf, csv and or shp files into a Project to use for Android.
Can Penmap Support and or Users comment on this?
Jay Riester