Does the device name that is set inside SCS900 match the folder name on TCC?
Each device has a folder with its name on TCC

Once it's set in SCS900 you can't just change it. Close SCS900 and find the allsites.xml on your handheld in the SCS900 folder.
Either delete it and start SCS900, in that case you'll have to set all other settings again as well.
Or edit it in a text editor.
I believe in older versions those TCC settings were in the site.xml.
Ronny Schneider
Original Message:
Sent: 12-08-2022 09:29
From: Tom Silicato
Subject: Juno T41 handheld
Also I tried setting up the Juno to connect to TCC which it seems to connect but does not retrieve files. Anyone use this with TCC?
Tom Silicato
Corrado Construction
New Castle, Delaware
Original Message:
Sent: 12-07-2022 07:33
From: Ben Brown
Subject: Juno T41 handheld
When I connect my Juno T41 to my computer a windows 10 system, windows mobile opens up automatically and i can explore the files there and add sites.
Ben Brown
Original Message:
Sent: 12-02-2022 08:44
From: Tom Silicato
Subject: Juno T41 handheld
My company recently got a used Juno T41 handheld and having difficulty adding sites and designs on it to be used in SCS900. I was able to connect it to TCC but it will not show a list of sites to upload from TCC. I also tried connecting it to my PC through the USB charger but it will not show up on my list of folders in my PC. Any info on how to get files on to this would be helpful.
Tom Silicato
Corrado Construction
New Castle, Delaware