Hello Andrew,
I'm happy you were able to recover your data.
Actually the standard way would have been to send us the data to check and try to store it.
(I tried to reach you regarding this via the attached mail-adress)
The pdt not shown on the android device may be due to a corrupted project file,
not visible on windows explorer could on the other hand just require a new synchronization by reconnecting the device.
The rec file is being written as a kind of protocoll when a project is opened and emptied when it's closed correctly.
If there's any issue please dont hesitate to contact us.
Also for less minor issues, enhancement requests or things you would like help with,
you can get in touch with the local Trimble dealer to create a support ticket for us with attached data.
Kind regards
Patrik Stahlhut
Original Message:
Sent: 01-12-2023 05:31
From: Andrew Gorman
Subject: Lost Project File and Data
Hi Patrik,
I was able to retrieve the file last night after some noodling around in the file. I'll explain the process in case it is helpful for others. Basically, the file created and logged several hours worth of data but didn't create a .rec file in the unit. The .pdt and other files were stored in the unit but were not populating in the screen. Using penmap on my personal cell phone, I copied the data over to the Penmap folder on my cellphone and made a dummy .rec by copying the .rec from another job (I may have had to do this with the XML file and update the project name too, not sure if that made a difference). I uploaded the dummy file to the cloud from my cell phone and was able to download the data as a shapefile that way off of trimble connect. If there's a more efficient way of repairing the .pdt file or exporting it in a situation like this, I'd be happy to learn!
Andrew Gorman
Original Message:
Sent: 01-12-2023 02:01
From: Patrik Stahlhut
Subject: Lost Project File and Data
Dear Andrew Gorman,
thanks for contacting us on this matter.
I will get in touch with you via the associated mail to sort this issue out in detail.
Kind regards
Patrik Stahlhut
Original Message:
Sent: 01-11-2023 14:29
From: Andrew Gorman
Subject: Lost Project File and Data
Hi all,
I was using Penmap today on a Spectra SP20 and after I closed out of the project (and waited for the save menu to complete), the project disappeared from my device. As there was a significant amount of field data collected, I am eager to retrieve it but cannot locate the file anywhere (not in cloud or on the device). Is there a recovery of the last day's data somewhere in the device? Thanks!
Andrew Gorman