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  • 1. LEGACY not available

    Posted 10-02-2024 12:05

    We are not able to access TCC Legacy.   We use this to search for rover or base serial numbers and find out which controllers they are attached to.  We also use this to add notification to .spj files that show a change.  These notification are a big time saver on knowing which field work orders have active new data.   With close to 45 field crews this automation is critical to our operation.  Please let us know how to access the legacy version of

    Matt Eklund, PE
    GPS Program Manager
    Sukut Construction
    California, USA

  • 2.  RE: LEGACY not available

    Posted 10-02-2024 22:05

    Hello Matt, regret inconvenience. That looked to be a cookie issue, and should work when you clear the cookies or try a new browser. Let us know if it works.

    Vijay Raghunathan

  • 3.  RE: LEGACY not available

    Posted 10-03-2024 07:29

    Clearing cached browser data worked.  Thankyou.


    Matt Eklund

    Sukut Construction, LLC

    (949) 633-5351