Trimble Penmap

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New Penmap for Android version

  • 1.  New Penmap for Android version

    Posted 02-06-2023 01:03
    We have released a new Penmap for Android version
    This includes the following enhancement:
    • Recalculation issue of RTX measured points is fixed now

    Which project can be affected?
    Projects with RTX measurements made with Penmap version before (end of November 2022) 

    How did this happen?
    When entering the site calibration menu and either do a calibration or leave the dialog with cancel.

    What was the issue?
    In some cases Penmap did a recalculation of all GNSS measured points
    (e.g. open or change site calibration and leave the dialog).

    • The issue was that points measured with RTX corrections before Penmap version 11.9 were calculated again without taking care of the time dependent transformation.
      This could end up in a shift in coordinates up to ~80 cm.
    • Also points with correction type "xFill-RTX" were calculated wrong in the same way. 

      How to fix a project where this issue was observed?

      1. Install the current or latest Penmap version
      2. Open the project
      3. Navigate to >>Calibration (>>Topo>> tab&hold on Start GNSS >> Calibration)
      4. Within the calibration dialog press the Cancel button
        The project gets recalculated now and the coordinates should be fine again after that

      Cornelia Schmitz