Thank you for your regular feedback and support. Its there in the roadmap, just unable to get it done at the moment. We will try to prioritize this, a little up in the coming quarters.
Vijay Raghunathan
Original Message:
Sent: 12-14-2023 04:00
From: Patrick L'heureux
Subject: On Board Emulator for both Site Works and Earth Works
Agree! There is a viewer in WorksOS. This is a necessity.
Patrick L'heureux
Original Message:
Sent: 12-13-2023 08:42
From: Ben Ryschon
Subject: On Board Emulator for both Site Works and Earth Works
From the very get go I told Trimble that they need to have a viewer in WM that allows you to see what your machines/tablets are receiving from TBC. I have been one of the early users of WM and I still have yet to see that come out in an update.
Ben Ryschon
Original Message:
Sent: 12-12-2023 08:28
From: Francisco Guerrero
Subject: On Board Emulator for both Site Works and Earth Works
that would be greatly helpful. As I have started at a company that uses Sitework. I have found myself verifying what is being sent out for the design in the emulator of Siteworks. Then I forget to upload the design to WM. This happened a few times and I would go to the field and end up coming back to the office to upload to WM. At least a design viewer of some type
Francisco Guerrero
Original Message:
Sent: 11-16-2023 09:53
From: Scott Threet
Subject: On Board Emulator for both Site Works and Earth Works
Emulators and all the various versions of them have become overly burdensome to keep, use, maintain, and acquire over the years. In fact I don't even know where to get the current version of emulators for Site Works and Earth Works. It would be extremely helpful to be able to access an emulator from Works Manager to verifying designs, features, and functionality from the WM page. Is this something that can be added?
[Scott] [Threet]