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REPOST - Sketchup Go very slow in Safari

  • 1.  REPOST - Sketchup Go very slow in Safari

    Posted 06-11-2024 17:11

    Has anyone else have this problem?

    Is there a fix?

    I posted this in January and did not get a response that helped.

    I have just installed a new version of Safari (Version 17.5 (18618., 18618)), and the problem still exists.

     Sketchup is still running very slow and is not usable.

    For example:

    1. Pan does not move as the cursor moves. Instead there is a pause and some moments later the object selected moves.
    2. Selecting an objects faces to enable a Push/Pull does not select all faces as it should.
    3. Zooming In is extremely sensitive, ie a very small movement of the mouse wheel moves the object beyond 
    4. The Logo on opening Sketchup is incomplete.
    5. The Dimension tool is impossible it refuses to locate end points etc.

    I have another MacBook that has an old version of Safari and it works fine.

    Ken Darvell

  • 2.  RE: REPOST - Sketchup Go very slow in Safari

    Posted 06-11-2024 22:18

    Hi Ken,

    Can you please post this to Sketchup support


    Darshan Rajaram Kamat

  • 3.  RE: REPOST - Sketchup Go very slow in Safari

    Posted 06-11-2024 23:07

    Thx Darshan, How do I do that? Is it a Forum? I can't find any reference to it.

    Ken Darvell