I do notice that some of our projects both in Works Manager and TCC have both CAL and DC and some just have a DC file. One thing I need to point out is that our survey crew uses access for calibrations which I think only produces a DC file. I also notice if you were to drag a DC file into TBC nothing would show up if a CAL file was also produced in Siteworks. If I drag the CAL file into TBC, I will then see the paired points including the GNSS points. So long story short I guess it does not hurt to have both the CAL and DC file in Works/TCC
Original Message:
Sent: 06-08-2023 13:48
From: Ronny Schneider
Subject: Siteworks export to machine from Panasonic tablet
If I get this right then. If you do a site calibration on the tablet, you need to first bring it into TBC in order to create a new DC which then needs to go back to the tablet as master, before you're able to export data from Siteworks properly to Earthworks. If you do it without bringing the data to TBC first it seems you lose the calibration.
Because, I just tested a rather old project in a rather old simulator 1.41. The project is calibrated, has a DC and CAL. And if I export the design for Earthworks the "CAL" on the USB stick is only the original DC, the calibration is lost.
Pretty much confirming my initial suspicion, why would the exporter look for the DC when a CAL is present.
Ronny Schneider
Original Message:
Sent: 06-08-2023 12:16
From: Steve DiBenedetto
Subject: Siteworks export to machine from Panasonic tablet
Hey Ronny,
The exporter (or Siteworks on the whole for that matter) does not "require" the CAL at all, it only needs and cares about the DC. Once the DC is created the CAL could be removed. The CAL only resides on the actual data collector that performed the site calibration if one was done. So if you have a fleet of data collectors on a project only the one that did the site calibration would actually have the CAL file on it.
Siteworks uses the DC as it (and SCS900) always has, as its coordinate system source of truth. The CAL file is produced only when a site calibration is performed, and is a way to preserve the point pairs that were used in the calibration itself. The CAL can then be brought into TBC to check the point pairs or adjust the site calibration if desired. You're correct that the CAL and DC have the exact same information in the upper part of the file, and the only difference is the CAL adds the point pairs used when the site calibration was measured. Since, once the site calibration is done, Siteworks doesn't really care about the point pairs, there's no need for the CAL file within Siteworks anymore.
In this case you can even remove the CAL from the Project folder, and just leave the DC and things will work as expected.
And in fact when Siteworks writes a "CAL" file to an Earthworks or GCS900project, all it does is literally copy the DC and rename the extension to CAL so that it works in Earthworks,
Hope that clarifies things?
Steve DiBenedetto
Original Message:
Sent: 06-08-2023 11:54
From: Ronny Schneider
Subject: Siteworks export to machine from Panasonic tablet
Hello Steve,
could you please elaborate why the exporter would require the DC file in addition to the CAL. Initially, if you setup the job and choose a coordinate system from the library, the DC is created. Once you do a site calibration on the tablet it creates the CAL, which has the same information as the DC, plus the calibration information. At that point the DC gets irrelevant for SCS900/Siteworks and could be removed. If the exporter now needs the DC as well it somewhat is questionable if the site calibration is properly transferred to the machine files. And if yes, why does it need the DC at all, the CAL has all the necessary information.
Ronny Schneider
Original Message:
Sent: 06-08-2023 10:05
From: Steve DiBenedetto
Subject: Siteworks export to machine from Panasonic tablet
Hi Tom,
There must be a missing DC file in the project folder. Siteworks will look for the DC (not the CAL) file in the project folder, and if that's missing then you'll get the message you show. So take a look and see if there's a DC in your project folder and if not, then something got buggered and the DC got moved or removed, or there never was one in the first place.
Are these new projects that worked one day and not the next? Is WorksManager being used to sync the projects? If so, is a DC or site calibration established in the WorksManager project, or the TBC project connected to WM?
If you are using the same DC or site calibration across multiple projects (for example if you just use Delaware State Plane as your coordinate system) you can copy a DC from another project. But if you did a local site calibration, then you'll need to "find" that missing DC file and get it back into the Project folder.
Steve DiBenedetto
Original Message:
Sent: 06-08-2023 05:18
From: Tom Silicato
Subject: Siteworks export to machine from Panasonic tablet
We have several of the Trimble Panasonic toughpad tablets and this week we had an issue started popping up on the screen yesterday when trying to export designs to a Earthworks machine. In the tablet under Data Management in Siteworks, when exporting to machine, a pop up screen asks if we still want to export since the site has not been calibrated. See pic below. This is happening with all the projects on the tablet not just certain ones. I checked the Trimble SCS900 Data folder in each job and do see there is a CAL file in each one. This particular tablet has not had any problems prior to this in the 3 years that we have had it.

Tom Silicato
Corrado Construction
New Castle, Delaware