Hello Travis,
sorry to hear you are struggling.
Are you able to upload your project to Trimble Connect?
If you want to go forward by uninstalling/reinstalling I would recommend to backup your data.
You can connect your device via USB to a PC and just copy the MyPenmap folder (e.g. This PC\TDC600_2\Internal shared storage\Android\data\com.trimble.penmap\files)

If you uninstall Penmap there is a notification which allows you to keep your data as well

Please get in touch with your local dealer to analyze the issue if it persists.
Kind regards
Cornelia Schmitz
Original Message:
Sent: 04-19-2024 13:07
From: Travis Paproski
Subject: Trimble Penmap Keeps Stopping
Hi, I am recently having issues with Penmap not functioning properly. I can create a file and use as normal but anytime I try and export it forces closed and never exports. I get the message that Trimble Penmap keeps stopping. Has anyone experienced this with suggestions? I have about 3 jobs that haven't been able to be exported and I don't want to lose the data. I have tried the basics, restart, battery pull and clearing the cache. My next resort is uninstalling/reinstalling the app but I feel that will lose my data.
Travis Paproski