
Collapsible Stick

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All Here is a Collapsible Stick from Seco. Some of you are already selling it, especially with the DA2. The 2m Stick is composed of six carbon fibre sections C ollapses to the compact length of 37.5 cm (1.23 ft) Would you like to see this stick (Trimble branded) in the GIS portfolio as an accessory? Please let us know here (even if you don't like it):

User-defined CSV formats

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With the latest Penmap Project Manager version we have released an exciting feature. It is now possible to define a user-specific CSV format to export point-related measurement data. You can now define your own CSV export format. There you can export e.g. PointId, Easting, Northing, Elevation, PDOP, SatEpochs and CorrectionModel. You want to try it out? Then you just need to update your Penmap Project Manager and have a look at the instructions below. Support_Bulletin_-_User-def-CSV-Export.pdf