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Create Trimble Account & Connect Profile 

11-13-2020 03:14

Trimble Identity & Connect Profile

What is Trimble Identity?

Trimble Connect applications use Trimble Identity for identification. You can use your Trimble Identity with several other Trimble products, such as SketchUp, ProjectSight, Tekla, Trimble Sysque, Stabicad, Quadri, Trimble TerraFlex™ and more!

Trimble Identity provides single-sign-on access for all the Trimble Connect products. Use Trimble Identity when signing in to Trimble Connect to access your online licenses.

Creating Your Trimble ID

If you are new to Trimble, and have never signed up for any other Trimble software before, you will first need to create a Trimble Identity, which you can use to sign in to Trimble Connect and most other Trimble applications.

  1. Start by going to Trimble Connect.

  2. You will be presented with the sign in page.

  3. Click Create an account to create your Trimble Identity.

  4. You will be taken to the Create your account page.

  5. Enter your name and email address.

  6. Click Send code.

  7. Paste the code sent to your email in the Verification Code field and click Submit.

  8. Next create a unique, strong password using a mix of letters, numbers, and symbols.
  9. You will be asked to confirm your account preferences for country, timezone and language. Click Submit.

You can now sign in to Trimble Connect using your Trimble Identity.

Learn more about the benefits and impacts of the upgraded Trimble Identity here. For help, please see: Sign In & Security Help.

After you have successfully created and signed into your Trimble Identity, you will be asked to complete your Connect Profile.

Important Notes
Email Address This must be a unique email address and cannot be associated to any existing Trimble Accounts. If you get an error that the email address is being used already, you can go through the Forgot Password flow to reset your password if you have forgotten it.
Password Passwords must contain
  • 8 Characters
  • A digit [ 0-9 ]
  • A combination of lower & uppercase letters [ aA-zZ ]
  • A special character [ !@#$%&*^_-+ ]

Creating Your Connect Profile

If you are signing in to Connect for the first time, you will be asked to complete your Connect profile before you can continue.

Once you have completed this step, you will be taken to the Projects page where you can now start using Trimble Connect!

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