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Pathfinder Office and Differential Correction

  • 1.  Pathfinder Office and Differential Correction

    Posted 08-30-2022 13:33
    I've been having trouble with the diff correction for a week or two now, it responds as if the base provider is unavailable but looking up the base I find that they are operational as usual. 

    Printout reads
    Searching for base files...
    Unable to transfer files.
    Unable to download file from url
    Successfully found or downloaded 0 of 1 files.
    Search complete.

    Any advice?
    Thank you!

    Savanna Searles

  • 2.  RE: Pathfinder Office and Differential Correction

    Posted 08-31-2022 08:12
    I recently had a customer with this issue, and when they sent me their SSF file I was able to run the Differential Correction through my own GPS Pathfinder Office (PFO) installation without issue.

    We ended up uninstalling/reinstalling their PFO software and that fixed the problem. Be sure to go to Help/About in your PFO and document what version of the software you are currently using along with the full Installation Code.

    Most versions of PFO can be downloaded from

    Be sure to download/install the same version as you are currently running to prevent possible compatibility issue with the version of TerraSync you are using.

    Reid Joy

  • 3.  RE: Pathfinder Office and Differential Correction
    Best Answer

    Posted 08-31-2022 09:40
    This error,
    Searching for base files...
    Unable to transfer files.
    Unable to download file from url Click or tap if you trust this link." data-linkindex="13" style="font-size: 16.5px; font-family: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; margin: 0; color: #428BCA; text-decoration: underline; background-color: #FFFFFF">
    Successfully found or downloaded 0 of 1 files.
    Search complete.

    Is not so much Pathfinder Office installation version as it is with either a stale base provider list (press UPDATE LIST), or more common, base stations that have "fallen off".  Even with an updated list, CORS "come and go", and have numerous issues that cause there to be no base data during the time of your SSF collection.    For best results "walk down", the list, from top (closest) and select each CORS, xxxxxxx.  If the closest has no base data (the error in PFO is "unable to transfer files...", then walk down the list, selecting then next closest one.   Here in AK, this may take you down several CORS until you find one that was collecting base files during your field session.  

    As with all CORS, ensure you ALWAYS if you are like the Federal Government, who must be in the latest reference frame, always check the upper box, which "holds" the NAD83 (2011) Epoch 2010 coordinates embedded in the rinex files.

    And evaluate your process on survey control (in NAD83 (2011) Epoch 2010.0 to ensure on the final export, your not shifted from "truth".

    Joel Cusick
    GIS Specialist
    Region 11 - Alaska Regional Office
    240 W. Fifth Ave.
    Anchorage, AK 99501-2327
    cell:907 280-9724  wk:907 644-3549 

  • 4.  RE: Pathfinder Office and Differential Correction

    Posted 07-25-2023 10:24

    I had a similar issue where I could no longer download UNAVCO files (and there are no other options for my area).  After getting your same error I found a solution.  Enter the HTML link to the correction file in the correction wizard dialog to a web browser.  This took me to an Earth Scope website where I needed to make an account.  Then I was able to download the file.  Using the option to correct from a download file I was able to do the correction. 

    Gerald Gabrisch

  • 5.  RE: Pathfinder Office and Differential Correction

    Posted 07-05-2023 20:50

    I am having a similar problem doing differential corrections.  I have reinstalled my software and I have refreshed the providers list.  Any other suggestions are welcome.

    Gerald Gabrisch

  • 6.  RE: Pathfinder Office and Differential Correction

    Posted 07-06-2023 17:43

    Hi Gerald

    What bases have you tried to use and what messages do you get?

    Norman Smart

  • 7.  RE: Pathfinder Office and Differential Correction

    Posted 07-06-2023 19:50

    Checking order

    1 internet?

    2 update list?

    3 did you wait 24 hours after your last position?

    4 select nearest CORS. Note it's 4letter code. Go to the CORS map. Enter the code.  Select info. Select data availability.  This expose the stations reporting health 

    5 if no data, Select next closest CORS. 

    Always Select t use ref position from base file.  You want to go to heaven? Or datum he'll?

    Good luck

    Joel Cusick

  • 8.  RE: Pathfinder Office and Differential Correction

    Posted 08-26-2023 17:04

    I have been told that the ssf file format is not compatible with RINEX files 3.x and higher and that some CORS bases, such as those in Florida, have switched to storing their RINEX files in this format.  Eventually, all CORS stations will switch to this format.  Once the format is switched, Pathfinder Office will no longer be capable of differentially correcting ssf data.  Not sure if this may be the case with the CORS stations you are trying to use. 

    Daniel Bollich

  • 9.  RE: Pathfinder Office and Differential Correction

    Posted 08-28-2023 07:19

    There are free utilities available that will convert RINEX V4 &/or V3 to V2 for use with PFO. You have to do it manually, but they work fine.

    At the easy end Emlid Studio is simplest to use, current version will convert V3 to V2

    At the other end, GFZRNX is much more powerful with many other features and will convert V4 or V3 to V2 but it's complicated and not for the feint hearted. You may also need another utility CRX2RNX to decompress Hatanaka observation files. I have a command file to automate the process for PFO that makes it simpler than EMLID Studio.

    John Winkler

  • 10.  RE: Pathfinder Office and Differential Correction

    Posted 08-29-2023 09:00

    Hi. For clarity, it's not the SSF format that doesn't support RINEX 3, but rather GPS Pathfinder Office. SSF files can actually be post-processed using RINEX 3 files from Terra Office add-in for ArcMap.

    Matthew Morris