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Tip #116 - The Surface Slicer View

By Erin Johnson posted 07-24-2020 15:27


Good afternoon TBC’ers! Have you ever wanted to quickly display a cross-section view of a surface? Well today I will be demonstrating the Surface Slicer View command. The Surface Slicer View command slices vertically through a surface to generate a cross-section on the fly. 


1. From the Surfaces Ribbon in your TBC window, navigate to Create and select Surface Slicer View:


The Surface Slicer View command is also accessible from the very top of the TBC window by clicking on this icon:


Alternatively, we can right click on our surface in the Project Explorer and select Surface Slicer View:


2. A new Surface Slicer window displays below your Plan View (the Surface Slicer View command works exclusively with the Plan View). Click in the From box to pick a starting point for the slice in the Plan View, or type in a coordinate (in the format X, Y) or point ID. Hit Apply if you have typed in coordinates rather than picking coordinates in the Plan View


After picking the From point, you can move the cursor across the surface to view the cross-section slice dynamically, without picking a To point. The Surface Slicer view automatically scales to fill the view as you move the cursor.


3. Pick an ending point for the slice, or type in a coordinate or point ID into the To box. Hit Apply if you have typed in coordinates rather than picking coordinates in the Plan View


Red tic marks denote where the slice crosses points or breaklines. At certain view magnifications, slope values appear above segments:


To hide cross-section slope values, right click on the cross-section, and select Properties from the context menu:


In the Properties pane, select Hide in the Label Slope list:


We can check the Show slicing line box to show or hide the line indicating where the surface was sliced:


4. To add additional surfaces to the view, click Surfaces to display the Select Surface dialog:


5. Check boxes for the surfaces to include in the view, and click OK


I hope this tip comes in handy next time you are working with surfaces in TBC!

