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Tip #124: The Export Feature Attributes Command

By Erin Johnson posted 09-18-2020 09:48


Good morning TBC’ers! Have you ever wanted to export your extracted feature attributes to an external GIS software? Well, today I will be demonstrating the Export Feature Attributes command. The Export Feature Attributes command exports feature attributes from your TBC project to Excel or as a CSV spreadsheet file. Each record in the exported file includes an ID for the selected object, associated feature code, easting/ northing/ elevation coordinates (points only), and each associated attribute value.


Note: You can export feature attributes from your project only if the features have been processed. 


To access the Export Feature Attributes command, follow these steps:


1. Navigate to the GIS Ribbon, and select Export Feature Attributes under Data:

2. Click in the Objects field and select the objects whose feature attributes you want to export either in the Project Explorer or graphic view. Click the Options button for additional selection options. Regardless of your selection, only feature attributes will be exported.


In this demonstration, I extracted tree points and attributes from my point cloud.


3. Select the appropriate category of feature attributes you want to export:

         A. Points only: Only feature attributes for points included in your selection are exported. Northing, easting, and          elevation distances will be exported in the units specified in the Units > Distance in the Project Settings dialog. 

         B. All objects: Feature attributes for all objects included in your selection are exported. 


You can also choose to display column names and units by checking theInclude column names and Include units boxes:


In this demonstration, I chose to export all objects, and to display column names and units. 


4. Select either of the following options:

         A. Load data into Excel: The feature attributes will be exported to an Excel spreadsheet.

         B. Save data into CSV file: The feature attributes will be exported to a .csv file.


5. Click the Apply or OK button. Apply causes the Export Feature Attributes pane to continue to display after the export is complete. OK causes the pane to close after the export is complete. 

         A. If you selected the Load data into Excel option, an Excel spreadsheet opens showing the feature attribute data:


         B. If you selected the Save data into CSV file option, you are prompted to enter a name and location for the file:


Your CSV file will then be stored in the desired location:


I hope this tip comes in handy next time you are working with feature coding & attributes in TBC!




09-30-2020 08:16

Hi Martin,


Thanks for your question. Unfortunately, we are not able to export different features into separate files in one step. The Export Feature Attributes command only generates one exported excel/ CSV file at once and cannot separate features. If you wanted to create separate files, you can run the Export Feature Attributes command more than once with different features selected in the Project Explorer each time. Alternatively, the Shapefile exporter in the Export command can put each feature into its own file:


Hope this helps!


09-30-2020 03:24

Great description, many thanks Erin!

Is there a way to export the different features into separate files in one step?