TBC Power Hour Recordings

Gaining a New Perspective: The Virtual World's Immersive Construction Site

By Guillaume Clin posted 09-23-2023 20:47


Gaining a New Perspective: The Virtual World's Immersive Construction Site

In the world of construction, perspective is everything. The way we see things, the angles we view them from, and the mental images we form are the foundation of every decision we make. Yet, there's a persistent challenge - putting ourselves into someone else's perspective.

After years of navigating diverse worksites, I've become well aware of the frustrations and misunderstandings that can haunt even the most meticulously planned projects. These challenges aren't merely inconvenient; they can lead to mishaps, accidents, and lost time. 

As surveyors, our role spans various project stages – from pre-construction planning to monitoring progress and post-construction assessments. We wear multiple hats and interact with various stakeholders, including architects, structural engineers, civil engineers, site managers, and foremen. My job involves creating maps and 3D representations that serve as the common ground for discussions. We excel at forming mental images of sites and immersing ourselves in these environments through maps and documentation. It's a skill that comes with training and experience but remains elusive for many.

In recent years, the advent of 3D modeling and high-quality photogrammetry has marked a significant leap forward. Once you've experienced their advantages, there's no turning back. However, these solutions still cause a problem of perspective. They predominantly offer CAD-based bird's-eye views, making it challenging to convey safety concerns or construction feasibility from a human perspective.


Communication and effective explanation are vital in construction, yet they pose formidable challenges. No matter how clearly we convey ideas, we can never ensure that others share our mental picture.

Enter Virtual Reality (VR), which is increasingly making its mark on construction sites and diverse projects but VR immerses users in a self-perspective of the environment.

That's precisely why we've introduced the Virtual World, offering a third-person perspective reminiscent of a Role-Playing Game to provide the benefit of an external perspective but close to the user. We believe that in meeting rooms, we all become third-party observers of characters. Whether you're the presenter or an active listener, you share the same perspective on the character. This common ground provides not only clarity but also a perspective close enough to understand the character's viewpoint.

Take a moment to watch the video, shifting from the bird's-eye perspective during the early stage of building the environment to full immersion. Notice how stockpiles suddenly appear larger, lines of sight are challenging, and disorientation sets in.

The next time you find yourself explaining an environment, remember that it's all about perspective and the ability to communicate and form the mental image necessary for immersion. We invite you to consider whether your site could benefit from this experience and encourage you to share your perspective on the solution and ways to make it even better. Your feedback matters, and together, we can revolutionize the construction industry.

