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Tip #155 - How to Extract Multiple Lines at the Same Time (Cont.)

By Hannah Poon posted 08-16-2021 09:42


Hey TBC’ers! Have you ever wanted to extract multiple curb and gutter lines at the same time to speed up extraction workflow in your project? For instance, you’ve scanned several curb and gutter lines and you want to extract them all at once to make the process faster.


Follow the steps below to learn how to utilize the Extract Line Feature command and the Add Node/Remove Node features within the Curb Pattern command to automatically detect and extract lines within a selected area.  

  • Drag and drop your VCE file from File Explorer into the Plan View or open it by selecting File > Open. 
  • Select 3D View to display the point cloud in 3D.
  • In the Point Clouds tab, select Extract Line Feature to display the Extract Line Feature command pane.

  • Select Curb and Gutter from the Extraction type dropdown list if it is not already selected. Optionally, you can change the Line Settings to your liking.

  • With your cursor in the Point 1 field, select the starting point of the cutting plane. Click the Point 2 field and select the endpoint of the cutting plane.

  • In the Cutting Plane View tab, the curb and gutter profile view is displayed. With your cursor in the Node 1 field, select your first point to extract the curb and gutter. 

  • The cursor will automatically move to Node 2. Repeat this process until all nodes are defined for extraction, using the Add Node/Remove Node buttons as needed. 

  • Once happy with your Interval and Minimum confidence values, hit Extract to extract the line features. 

  • If the extraction stops at any time, you can use the Additional Options to complete the line extraction. One of the easiest and most accurate options is to click the bubble next to “Select next node point”. Use any of the nodes as the “Reference node”. Ensure the next node point that you select lines up with the “Reference node” linestring. Then hit Extract.

  • Once the lines are extracted at one end, hit Switch Direction to extract the lines to the other end. Repeat the previous step until all lines are extracted. 

  • Once satisfied with the curb and gutter lines, hit Add to add the extracted linestrings to your project. 


For a live demonstration, watch our 5.50 Linear Extraction Enhancements video:


For additional learning content, visit our TBC Survey and Construction YouTube page:


I hope this tip comes in handy in one of your upcoming Field to Finish Workflows!

