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Tip #169 - Linear Feature Extraction for Lane Line Markings: Dashed Lane Lines

By Hannah Poon posted 01-13-2022 08:00


Hey TBC’ers! Have you ever wanted to automatically extract solid single, solid double, and/or dashed lane lines with user-defined line styles and settings? For instance, you’ve scanned a road and you want to create linestrings and points from lane line markings extracted from a point cloud. In this week’s tip, the creation of a new linestring and points based on the extraction of a dashed lane line will be covered.

Follow the steps below to learn how to utilize the Extract Line Feature command to automatically detect and extract dashed lane lines

  • In the TBC ribbon, select Point Clouds > Deliverables > Extract Line Feature to display the Extract Line Feature command pane.

  • In the Extraction type drop-down list, select Lane Line Markings.

Note: When Lane Line Markings is selected, the point cloud changes to Gray-Scale Intensity mode to better delineate the lane lines.

  • Click the Line Settings drop-down group box. Here, we will enter Dashed in the Name field and select Yellow in the Color field.

  • In the Lane line type drop-down list, select Dashed.

  • In the Plan View, zoom in to clearly view your desired dashed lane line, as shown here.

  • Click in the First dash field and then click in the middle of a dashed line in the Plan View.

  • Click in the Second dash field and then click in the middle of the next dashed line.

Note: The crosses turn from yellow to green to verify both selections are valid and you can begin the extraction.

  • In the Advanced Settings drop-down group box, check the Create line node points check box and enter a Starting point ID of D1.

  • Click the Extract button. The extraction continues to near the edge of the point cloud, where the dashed line ends and a solid single line begins.

  • Click the Switch Direction button, then the Extract button. The extraction continues in the opposite direction until the end of the last dashed line is reached (a solid single lane line begins at this point).

  • Click the Create Line and Points button.

Note: Unlike the extraction of a solid lane line wherein you can specify the distance between linestring segment nodes, the extraction of a dashed line always creates line segment nodes at the beginning and end of each dashed line.

  • Close the Extract Line Feature command pane and select Point Clouds > Rendering > True Color. Then select the new Dashed linestring in the Plan View to better view its movable segment nodes.

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