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Tip #168 - Linear Feature Extraction for Lane Line Markings: Solid Double Lane Lines

By Hannah Poon posted 01-05-2022 08:48


Hey TBC’ers! Happy New Year! Welcome back! Have you ever wanted to automatically extract solid single, solid double, and/or dashed lane lines with user-defined line styles and settings? For instance, you’ve scanned a road and you want to create linestrings and points from lane line markings extracted from a point cloud. In this week’s tip, the creation of a new linestring based on the extraction of a solid double lane line will be covered.

Follow the steps below to learn how to utilize the Extract Line Feature command to automatically and manually detect and extract solid double lane lines

  • In the TBC ribbon, select Point Clouds > Deliverables > Extract Line Feature to display the Extract Line Feature command pane.

  • In the Extraction type drop-down list, select Lane Line Markings.

Note: When Lane Line Markings is selected, the point cloud changes to Gray-Scale Intensity mode to better delineate the lane lines.

  • Click the Line Settings drop-down group box. Here, we will enter Solid Double in the Name field and select Magenta in the Color field.

  • In the Lane line type drop-down list, verify Solid double is selected.

  • In the Plan View, zoom in to clearly view your desired solid double lane line, as shown here.

  • Click in the Line point field and then click on the point cloud between the solid double lines.

  • Click the Extract button. The extraction begins and continues until either 1) the purple extraction line extends to the end of the lane line or 2) the purple extraction line ends before the end of the lane line is reached (as shown here).

  • In this case, zoom in on the line, then click to expand the Manual Selection drop-down group box. 

  • Click in the selection field and then click a line scan point at the end of the line. An orange box displays showing the 1.000 m search buffer specified in the Buffer field on either side of the line. A blue line displays showing the new linestring segment to be added.

  • Click the Add Segments button to extend the purple extraction line to the end of the lane line.

  • Click the Switch Direction button and click the Extract button. The extraction continues in the opposite direction until the end of the solid double lane line is reached (a solid single lane line begins at this point).

  • Click the Create Line button. A new magenta linestring is displayed.

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