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Tip #170 - View Spreadsheets

By Hannah Poon posted 01-24-2022 17:24


Hey TBC’ers! Have you ever wanted to view your point and occupation data in spreadsheets? For instance, you have a project with GNSS, total station, and level data as well as processed GNSS baselines and want to view the photogrammetry point and GNSS occupation data in spreadsheets.

Follow the steps below to learn how to view and customize your point and occupation data in spreadsheets

  • In the Quick Access toolbar, select Project Settings.

  • In the navigation (left) pane in the Project Settings dialog, select View > Points Spreadsheet. A list of the names of columns available for the Points spreadsheet display in the table. Each column name is followed by an indicator of whether the column should be included in the spreadsheet. You can click on any of the Show/Hide indicators to change the selection.

  • Click Cancel to close the Project Settings dialog.

  • In the TBC ribbon, select Home > Data > Points to display the Point Spreadsheet. You can sort the rows in the spreadsheet based on the column heading you select. By default, the rows are sorted in ascending alphabetical order based on the Point ID.

  • Click the Elevation column heading to sort the rows based on the ascending and descending elevation of the points.

Note: The Sort icon indicates whether the sort is in ascending (the arrow points up) or descending (the arrow points down) order. You can sort the rows based on ascending and descending values in any of the columns.

  • Click the Feature Code filter icon and select NonBlanks in the context menu. Only points with feature codes assigned are displayed in the spreadsheet.

Note: You can filter the displayed rows by clicking the filter icon for any column and selecting the appropriate filter. The default filter is All.

  • Select Home > Data > Occupation.

  • Click the Ant. Type filter icon and select Custom in the context menu.

  • The Custom Filter dialog displays. In the Ant. Type drop-down list, select Does not equal to

  • In the second (operand) drop-down list, select R8 GNSS/SPS88x Internal. Then click OK. The spreadsheet refreshes based on your custom filter. Only points that did not use the R8 GNSS/SPS88x Internal antenna type display.

For more instructions on how you can further customize a spreadsheet in TBC, check out the Using Spreadsheets tutorial.

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