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Tip #173 - Updated TBC Photogrammetry Ribbon

By Hannah Poon posted 02-10-2022 16:52


Happy Thursday, TBC’ers! If you’re a frequent aerial photogrammetry user, you may have noticed some ribbon changes in the Photogrammetry tab in TBC v5.60. This week’s tip will give you a quick run-down on those changes. 

The Photogrammetry ribbon was restructured to remove some functions that are less related to standard drone processing runs, consolidate photogrammetry deliverables into a single button, and improve the user experience.

  • The Group Photo Stations button was removed.
  • The Create Rectified Image button was removed.
  • The Measure Photo Point, Photo Point View, and Extract Ground buttons were removed.
  • The Adjust Photo Stations button was expanded into the Adjust Photo Stations and Adjust Photo Stations with GCPs commands. 
  • The Advanced UAS, Create Point Cloud, Create Raster DSM, and Create Orthomosaic buttons were unified into a single Create Deliverables button.
  • Lastly, the Process Baselines, Create Deliverables, and Adjust Photo Stations with GCPs buttons will be grayed out until previous processing steps have been completed.

The thought process behind the ribbon restructuration is having a clean left-to-right approach that simplifies the workflow, showing the user only the applicable adjustment steps. The goal is a cleaned-up ribbon and a simpler approach to the PROCESS and DELIVER steps.

For more information on other new features in the TBC Aerial Photogrammetry Module, watch this video: 

To download TBC v5.60.2, you can head to To learn what’s new in our latest patch release, check out the TBC v5.60.2 Read Me document.

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