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Tip #185 - Determine the Coordinate System of an Aerial Photogrammetry Dataset

By Hannah Poon posted 05-27-2022 13:32


Happy Friday, TBC’ers! For our aerial photogrammetry users, have you ever had trouble determining the coordinate system of a UAS dataset? UASMaster, a software application that is automatically installed when you install TBC, makes it easy to determine the coordinate system from a single photo in a UAS dataset! The software uses an image EXIF header to get the coordinate system information.

Follow the steps below to learn how to determine the coordinate system from an aerial survey photo.

  • After opening UASMaster, click on the UAS (Area Mapping) icon under New Project.

  • The Basics and UAS Project Editor windows will automatically display. In the Basics window, click Other under Project Coordinate Systems & Units. Then, click the next to the Coordinate system field.

  • Select Inpho coordinate systems (ICS) in the Select Coordinate System Database dialog, then press OK.
          Note: Alternatively, you can select Trimble coordinate systems (TCS) and follow the same process from here.

  • Click the Select image file… button under UTM zone from EXIF.

  • In the Select an EXIF Image File window, select an image from the UAS dataset and click Open.

  • The coordinate system of the image will be highlighted in blue. You can then set the coordinate system accordingly in TBC for your aerial photogrammetry project.

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