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Tip of the Week #24 - Label Style Previews

By Joseph Blecha posted 01-19-2018 13:31


Tip of the Week #24 - Label Style Previews (Joe, published 1/19/2018)

Use the Label Style Manager to set-up labels for lines, arcs, points, and polygons with applicable properties like length, azimuth, slope, tangent chord length, elevation, area, and perimeter.  With all these options, the Label Style Manager has a Preview Window to show you how your label will look in Plan View.  But, did you know that the Preview Window in the Label Style Manager is interactive?        

With your cursor inside the Preview Window, scroll up to zoom in to text and press and hold the scroll wheel to pan.  You’ll be able to see the text label much better!

If you click on a line of the label text, for example the 787.400 ft, the Label Properties to the right changes label type settings.

In this example, 787.400 ft represents the Arc Radius of the arc.  Change the properties below and the Preview Window automatically updates, like setting the Precision to 0.1:

You could also enter a prefix in the Prefix text box, like R =, to delineate what the value represents.  The Preview Window automatically updates!  This interactivity helps you understand what label types are included in a setting and makes editing more efficient.  When you’re finished completing the style setup, click OK to save, and utilize the respective labelling command for your application - either Label Points, Label Lines, or Label Polylines.  TBC can also insert leader lines, but that’s a topic for another Tip of the Week...


