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Tip of the Week #25 - Hiding the Dynaview Frame

By Joseph Blecha posted 01-25-2018 13:54


TBC can create highly-customizable plan sets as a CAD communication and deliverable tool.  The frame or “window” into the model space is the Dynaview object.  The Dynaview frame is defined by any closed figure geometry - like a rectangle, circle, or polygon.  This geometry is created separately from the Dynaview object and has its own set of properties - like color, line style, and… visibility.  By turning the visibility off, the Dynaview cleanly and seamlessly sits in your plan view sheet.  Here’s how to do it:

Find the area that you wish to include in your plan sheet.

Then, launch the CAD command to define the closed figure that you wish to use as your Dynaview boundary.  In this example, we’ll use the Create Polygon command.  In the Layer drop-down menu, select <<New Layer>>.

In the Layer Manager, create a No_Show (or any distinguishing name) layer and click OK.  The polygon is assigned to the No_Show layer.


Back in the Create Polygon command, click OK, then you’ll be prompted to draft the polygon.  Complete the polygon to encompass the area of interest to show in the plan view.

Then, launch the Create Dynaview command.  Name the Dynaview if you wish and assign a layer for the Dynaview.  Be sure to assign the Dynaview to a layer different from the No_Show layer.  Click in the Frame text window so the cursor is blinking in the box, then pick your polygon in plan view.  This defines the Dynaview.

Modify and note the Dynaview’s View Filter.  In this example, we’ll use the My Filter.  This will come into workflow later...

With a drafting template inserted into the project from the Drafting Template command or your own custom template, now it’s time to insert the Dynaview on the plan sheet.  In the Project Explorer, right-click on the Plan sheet set and select Create Custom Sheet.  

Name the plan sheet as you wish, Sheet 1 is used in this example, and click OK.  Then, right-click on the newly created plan sheet in Project Explorer and select New Sheet View.

This launches a new paper-space view of the sheet.  It is time to insert the Dynaview.  Click in the Location text box back in the Create Dynaview command so the cursor is blinking.  Then, move the cursor into the plan sheet and you’ll see a preview of the scale and size of the Dynaview.  Adjust the scale as needed.  For this example, 10 scale fits better than the default 50 scale.  Click in the plan sheet to insert the Dynaview.


Specify any desired rotation of the Dynaview and click the Create button.  Notice how the Dynaview frame shows.  

If you wish to turn the frame off, open the View Filter Manager and make sure the active View Filter is the same View Filter used by the Dynaview.  Find the No_Show layer in the Layer header and uncheck its visibility box.  

TBC automatically updates and the Dynaview polygon frame will not display leaving a clean Dynaview!

