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Import or Export ToDos & BCFs

By Laura Anne Niemuth posted 12-06-2020 21:56


Import or Export ToDos & BCFs

Import ToDos Updated

Import from BCF Zip Files Updated

You can import BCF Zip files by simply uploading the file to your Connect project. After you have uploaded the file, it will be converted into a ToDo and be visible in the ToDos page.

Trimble Connect supports the BCF 2.0 format for import.

To import:
  1. Open a project in Trimble Connect for Browser.
  2. Go to the Explorer page
  3. Drag and drop the BCF zip file into the root folder or any folder you like
  4. After the upload and processing is complete, the BCF file will be converted to a ToDo.

Import from Excel

Use the Import from Excel function to quickly add or update ToDos in your project. 

As a Project Administrator, you can modify all ToDos in the project. For Project Users, you can use the Import from Excel to add new ToDos or update ToDos you have created or been assigned to you.

Supported Functions for Import from Excel 

The following operations are supported from the import function:

  • Creating new ToDos
  • Update an existing ToDo’s data

Setting Up the Spreadsheet

To use the import function, your spreadsheet must contain the following columns with the exact spelling listed:

  • Label
  • Title
  • Description
  • Type
  • Priority
  • Status
  • Completion
  • Due date
  • Assignee(s)
  • Tags

To use the import function, your spreadsheet must contain the following columns with the exact spelling listed.

Column Description

To Update Existing: Use the label of ToDo you are trying to update

For New ToDos: Leave blank if you wish to use the project’s label and numerical order; Custom labels are supported, but cannot be edited in the future.

To Update Existing: Modify the title or leave blank if you don’t want to make changes 

For New ToDos: Required

To Update Existing: Modify the description or leave blank if you don’t want to make changes 

For New ToDos: Required

Leave blank if you don't want to make changes or don't want to add a type.

Accepted values:

  • Comment
  • Undefined
  • Issue
  • Request
  • Fault
  • Inquiry
  • Clash
  • Solution
  • Remark

Leave blank if you don't want to make changes or don't want to add a priority.

Accepted values:

  • Critical
  • High
  • Normal
  • Low

Leave blank if you don't want to make changes or don't want to add a status.

Accepted values:

  • New
  • In Progress
  • Waiting
  • Done
  • Closed

Leave blank if you don't want to make changes or don't want to add a percentage.

Accepted values:

  • Add a whole number value 0-100.
  • Add % after the value
Due date

Leave blank if you don't want to make changes or don't want to add a date.

Accepted format:

  • mm/dd/yyyy
  • mm/dd/yy

Leave blank if you don't want to make changes or don't want to add an assignee.

Accepted values:

  • Email addresses of existing project members
  • Existing Group names
To add multiple assignees separate each one by a semicolon ( ; ).

Leave blank if you don't want to make changes or don't want to add tags.

Accepted values:

  • Existing tags
  • New tags  
To add multiple tags separate each one by a comma ( , ).

Importing ToDos to a Project

  1. Set up the spreadsheet
  2. Click the Overflow Menu at the top of the right side of the page.
  3. Select Import from Excel.
  4. The Import Excel as ToDo dialog box opens.
  5. Click Browse to select the Excel file.
  6. Select the file from your computer and click Open.

After the import has been processed, you will receive an email with a link to download the import log file. You must be signed into Trimble Connect to download the log file. The log file will contain information in the event that an import failed.


For updating ToDos by Importing from Excel, it is recommended you first download the project’s ToDos (via Export to Excel) so you have the correct ToDo labels and current information. Then you can follow the steps from above.

Export ToDos to BCF or ExcelUpdated

You can export a single ToDo, a selection of ToDos as an Excel file or as BCF Zip files. You can also export all ToDos in your project as an Excel file.

Trimble Connect supports BCF 1.0 format for export.

  1. Open a project in Trimble Connect for Browser.
  2. Go to the ToDo page.
  3. Click on a ToDo to open the detail panel.
  4. Click the Export button in the detail panel. 
  5. Choose the desired output (BCF or Excel).
  6. Once Export to BCF/Excel has been selected, a snackbar will appear notifying you that the request is being processed.
    After the BCF/Excel file(s) is prepared, an email will be sent to the user. In the email, click the Download link to download the file. The download link will be valid for 72 hours.
  1. Open a project in Trimble Connect for Browser.
  2. Go to the ToDo page.
  3. Select multiple ToDos.
  4. Click the More options inside the detail panel. 
  5. Choose the desired output (BCF or Excel).
  6. Once Export to BCF/Excel has been selected, a snackbar will appear notifying you that the request is being processed.
    After the BCF/Excel file(s) is prepared, an email will be sent to the user. In the email, click the Download link to download the file. The download link will be valid for 72 hours.

To export all the ToDos in your project, click the Overflow Menu at the top of the right side of the page and select Export to Excel.

Once Export to Excel has been selected, a snackbar message will appear notifying you that the request is being processed. After the Excel sheet is prepared, an email will be sent to you. Click the Download Excel link and download the Excel file.

The download link will be valid for 72 hours.

