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Tip of the Week #56 - Smart Text in Plan Set Templates

By Matt McLean posted 09-14-2018 09:08


Howdy folks! Happy Friday, and welcome to another TBC Tip of the Week!


Did you know a large portion of the work in TBC drafting routines can be done once and repeated in every project using templates and styles? Additionally, project specific text elements can be auto-filled with smart text. I love it when I only have to do something once!


In TBC, the first thing we do while setting up a project is ensure our company and user information is correct. All this information needs to be contained on our plans as well.


It would be pretty nifty if all these details could be automatically inserted and updated on our plan sets, wouldn’t it? Well fear not! This feature is called Smart Text. Below is a demonstration of the text inserted into my block.


And here is the text used to insert this from the project setting information.


An explanation of Smart Text controls is documented very well in the TBC help section. Which is accessed by pressing F1 and searching for ‘smart text’. Smart Text can be used to relay a wide variety of information, such as: your company name and contact information, the slope of a line, area of cut/fill, volume of cut/fill, easting, northing, elevation, and height just to scratch the surface.


Smart Text can greatly reduce the amount of manual data entry required on drafting projects, and can bring significant gains in productivity and significant reductions in frustration.


I hope you enjoyed this week’s TBC Tip of the Week, if you have suggestions for future tips, or inquiries about ways to streamline your workflow, let me know in the comments!


TBC - From Field to Finish with Confidence.



P.S. isn't a real email address, but it should be.




09-19-2018 06:35

That's great to hear Sean, I'm glad this has helped!

09-17-2018 06:54

I have seen this "smart text" in the Trimble templates, but I thought they were blocks. Thank you for this post, now I know what to look for in the help menu. #tbc_rocks!