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Tip of the Week #69 - Guided Workflows Directly from TBC Help

By Matt McLean posted 03-08-2019 12:39


If you’re anything like me, trying out new things is the most time consuming part of the day. TBC has long had guided workflows to ease this process and help accomplish common tasks quickly. In this weeks tip we will find and explore those guided workflows!

They can be found in two places.

   1. The Support ribbon, Learning section, Help. Support > Learning > Help

   2. Press F1 to open the TBC Help, scroll to the top, and select the top line: Trimble Business Center Help.


This brings us to the TBC Help home page, here we have a link to the TBC Tutorials, and—drum roll please!—the fast-track instructions for major workflows.

Each of these workflows contain instructions and links to the applicable commands to complete the task from start to finish. Let’s open Process Terrestrial Photo Stations under the heading Photogrammetry to take a look!


As you can see, we are provided two columns. Steps: provides instructions, and Commands: provides links the the desired commands. Having this open on the side of your screen or another window provides instructions and links to complete a new task in a reasonable amount of time, and provides instruction to aid in the learning process! Neat hey?


TBC - From Field to Finish (and back!) with Confidence

