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Tip #79 - Naming bounding geometries using ‘Name from Inside Text’

By Sudam Fernando posted 07-19-2019 13:44



Do you ever create texts to nameboundaries in your project ? Do you ever wish that you could easily name these boundaries using the texts you just created ? 


If you do, I have some great news ! Because you can do exactly that using the ‘Name from Inside Text’ function.  


Below I have a line string starting from point 1032 to 1035 and as you are able to see, it has a closed line geometry. I have gone ahead and created some text in order to remember that this boundary was an ‘Enclosed Area’ in the field. 



Next, we will go to the Macros ribbon (Blue Arrow) and click the ‘Name from Inside Text’ function (Red Arrow) in the CAD tab. 


This will open the ‘Assign Names from Inside Text’ command and we can select the boundary along with the text in the plan view and click ‘OK’ to name the boundary. 


By opening the properties pane of the boundary we can see how the name of the line string has changed to ‘Enclosed Area’ 


Hope this Tip comes in handy the next time you are using Trimble Business Center ! 

