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Tip # 82 : Lock leveled scan data for registration and georeferencing purposes

By Sudam Fernando posted 08-09-2019 13:51


Ever been worried that TBC may not be holding the levelness of your scans and tilting them when it performs registration ? Well you can say goodbye to your worries because of TBC’s new functionality of holding leveled scan data locked in the Z-axis. 


Let's Imagine a scenario, you have some scan data and you are looking to register each of the scans but you do not want any tilted scans and want to hold the levelness of the original scans. Well, to do this you must simply go to the properties pane of the scan you are looking to hold the levelness and simply say ‘yes’ in the drop down menu. 



For this feature to be available, your scan stations must have 6 degrees of freedom that support level/tilt compensation. 


When the Level compensation is turned on, the registration and georeferencing of scans are only computed with a 3D position shift and a rotation in the Z-axis without computing computing X and Y axis rotations. 


When the Level compensation is turned off, the registration and georeferencing of scans are computed with a 3D position shift and a 3D rotation along with X-and Y- and Z-axis rotations. 


Note : By turning off level compensation prior to registration and/or georeferencing, one is able to achieve a better fit but at the expense of introducing level-related errors. 


Hope this tip will come in handy the next time you are using Trimble Business Center !  

