Trimble Business Center

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Tip # 92 : More efficiency with scan registration

By Sudam Fernando posted 11-22-2019 13:05


5.20 is out !  Along with this new release, we have some great new features that have enhanced the overall experience and usability of TBC. One of these features is a new method to easily pick scan stations for registration purposes. In a project with a large number of scans, it can be difficult to keep track of which scans in your graphical views corresponds to which scan station. Using this enhancement, you will be able to easily distinguish between your scans


Lets look at the following project below as an example, I have 59 scans. We can clearly see that the scans highlighted in blue have not been properly registered. Due to the number of scans it is extremely difficult to know which scan station these scans belong to…..until now. 



If you navigate to the ‘Register Scans’ command, regardless of which registration method you are using (Plane-Based or Pairwise) you will see this new tool. Using this scan picker you can select your scan in your graphical view and the scan station which the scan belongs to will be highlighted. 






And after your scan station has been highlighted, you may ‘Unlink’ and perform registration once more. 




Hope this tip comes in handy, the next time you are using TBC !

