
Tip of the Week #6 – Using View Filters

By Boris Skopljak posted 04-18-2017 13:47


Your TBC screen is getting full of data, turning the data on and off in the View Filter is getting very repetitive? You have a different data types in the project as well as survey data from different days that you want to analyze separately. If so, this tip is going to be very valuable.


You can open as many Plan Views and 3D Views as you want. Just go to the View ribbon tab and launch another Plan View or 3D View. A new tab will show next to your existing Plan View.

In the View Filter Manager, you can select “Copy View Filter” in the upper right. It will create a copy of the View Filter and then you can turn off the layers or survey data you do not want to see.

In the image below you can see the resulting CAD work on the left and the survey data on the right as well as the point cloud data in another 3D view following the two steps described above. Notice that the name of the Filter will be displayed in the brackets next to the View Name.

Using View Filters and multiple views can make handling complex data and project review and deliverable generation much easier to manage.


Happy Surveying,

TBC Team



01-19-2018 00:14

Haveyou tried option exporting /importing user options? 

01-18-2018 08:54

Is it possible to save a view filter so it can be added to existing templates?  It could then be used on multiple projects without needing to be manually re-created each time.

07-03-2017 10:52

Many thanks Riley! Like a lot of the commands in TBC, I kind of knew it was possible but had a job recalling how. 

06-23-2017 17:43

Hey Barney,


This is a great question.  One of the ways I do this is using a combination of the Select by Observation tool and Selection Sets.  We will publish a tip of the week on how to use Selection Sets in the near future!  Here are a few steps on how you can do this in the meantime.


  1. Open the Select by Observation tool

  2. Choose your specific time period for the observations and types of observations and apply the selection

  3. Save the selection as a Selection Set using the Selection Explorer

  4. Now you can turn that selection on and off in the View Filter Manager







Riley Smith

06-20-2017 17:22

Are you able to elaborate as to how I create a filter to include survey objects from individual setups i.e. all TS shots from a given day for instance? 

04-20-2017 06:58

Hi Jarrod,


Customer's feature code library didn't have label style associated with it and labeling was done in TBC using Label Lines command.





04-20-2017 06:11

Boris, out of curiosity, we're the storm and sanitary structures autolabeled or was this text simply edited in TBC?  Good tip! 

