
Tip #110: Create Surface Intersection Lines

By Erin Johnson posted 05-29-2020 08:19


Good morning TBC’ers! Today I will be demonstrating a new surface command in TBC v5.30: the create surface intersection lines command. The create surface intersection lines command is used to create linestrings at the intersection of two surfaces. To open the command, navigate to the surfaces ribbon, and hit “Surface Intersect Lines” under create:


In the create surface intersection lines command pane, make any changes in the line settings field as necessary. You can enter in a name, choose your layer, and adjust the line style, scale, and color. The name field is optional; if you do enter a name, all intersection lines will have the same name. Next, in the surfaces group, select two intersecting surfaces for which you want to create linestrings. Now we are ready to click apply:


We can see the resulting linestrings in black (or whatever color you chose in your input settings) by zooming into the plan view or 3D view:


Turning off our surfaces in the view filter manager can give us a clearer view of the resulting linestrings as well:


I hope this tip comes in handy next time you are working with surfaces in TBC!



06-16-2020 09:23

Hi Rhett,


Yes, this command is available in the surface modeling edition. The command matrix located on the TBC webpage is a great resource to check the available commands with every TBC release: TBC v5.30 Command Matrix.pdf - Google Drive 


This can be accessed from the bulletins and updates section on the TBC page. 

06-15-2020 16:57

Is this function available in the surface modelling edition?

06-15-2020 10:40

Hi Mark,


Thanks for your questions. As far as a practical application to use the create surface intersection lines command, here are two examples:

1. You have a stockpile surface and a basic surface - this command can be used to calculate the bottom surface area of  the stockpile. 

2. If you have bathymetric data and a side slope, this command can get the intersection of the two surfaces to direct a user where to throw down rock on the side of a lake.


This command cannot be used to merge two surfaces; the create surface intersection line command simply generates linestrings. Lastly, this command can be used with surfaces created from a corridor. 


Please don't hesitate to reach out if you have any further questions! 

06-12-2020 09:51

Can you show a practical application of this feature? 

Would you use this to merge two surfaces? 

Can this be used with surfaces created from a corridor?