
Tip # 95 : Finding points in the graphical views

By Sudam Fernando posted 12-20-2019 14:50


TBC is home to all kinds of observations, such as total station observations and RTK vectors. With all of these observations and data types in one project, it can be somewhat difficult to find each point in your graphical view. This week's tip is all about different ways we can use TBC to find your points in your views for easy accessibility !  


Let's take the following data set as an example, using this data set we can use 


  1. Center command
  2. Pan Precise Command 
  3. Select Points by Vector command


to easily find our points. 





‘Center’ command 


This command allows you to center to a specific point. We must first zoom in generally close, so when we use the center command, we can clearly see the point. In your project explorer right click the point you want to view and select ‘Center’ 








‘Pan Precise’ command 


In the ‘Home’ ribbon, under the ‘View’ tab we can find the pan precise command. Using the pan precise command we can pan our 2D view from your current position to the point we are looking for. 


In the ‘From’ field, we can select the point ID of the point we want to pan to and in the ‘To’ field we can select the middle of our current view. In this example, we want to pan to point ID 988




and our view has panned over to where point 988 is located ! 



‘Select Points by Vector’ command 


There may be times when you may not know the point ID you are looking for, but you do know other information such as : Time it was collected, Target Height, Prism Type, Horizontal or Vertical precision and other information. 


for cases such as these, we can go to either the vector spreadsheet for RTK vectors or Optical spreadsheet for total station observations located in the ‘Home’ ribbon. 



We will be using the Optical spreadsheet and look for two points created around 9:25 AM. We can go ahead and select these observations in the optical spreadsheet. 




With our observations selected, we can navigate to the plan view and right click anywhere and select ‘Select Points by Vector’ 





After we select the ‘points points by vector’ command, the points created by these observations will be selected and we can use the ‘Center’ command once more to center our view to the points. 




This great tip was suggested by @Joshua Cho, our TBC testing Intern, Thanks Josh !. If you have any cool tips and tricks that you want to share with the community, reach out to us ! 


Hope this tip comes in handy, the next time you are using TBC ! 


Happy Holidays to everyone that is Celebrating and see you in the new year !