
Tip # 93 : Exporting to Sitevision straight from TBC !

By Sudam Fernando posted 12-06-2019 10:27


With Trimble Sitevision released, you are able to use Augmented Reality technology to bring your data to life and visualize your data in the real world. With this new release, TBC has introduced the ability to export CAD data straight into a format which is optimized for Sitevision. 


TBC 5.10 introduced the SiteVision AR exporter, which can be accessed from the ‘Construction Tab’ in the export command. 





This SiteVision AR exporter lets us export objects such as :

  • Points
  • Lines
  • Surfaces 
  • Utilities


When we use the sitevision exporter, three files are created : 

  1. VCL file : Contains most of the data our VCE project files contain, but more suitable for transfer with no loss of objects.
  2. TRB file : The model itself that will be shown in SiteVision that is optimized for high speed performance. 
  3. .JXL/.CAL : Depending if the project contains a Site Calibration, .CAL file for projects with .JXL file for projects without a coordinate system. 




In the export dialog, we have the options to either save our files locally, or straight into Trimble Connect. SiteVision can load models and straight from Trimble Connect, hence this method will be time saving. To Save directly to Connect, we must browse external services by selecting the cloud storage button circled in blue in the above image. 



and from the following page, choose our Trimble connect profile and navigate to the location in which you want to save our project and simply select ‘Save’. 


Note :  

  1. To export IFC models into SiteVision, we must use the dedicated IFC exported located in the CAD tab 


Hope this tip comes in handy, the next time you are using Trimble Business Center !