
Tip of the Week #35 - Where are all the TBC report settings at?

By Joseph Blecha posted 04-06-2018 11:55


Did you know that TBC v4.00 shipped with 44 pre-built reports (that the author could count) for you to confidently deliver survey coordinates, adjustment routines, volume quantities, and more?

Most of these reports are listed in the Reports > More Reports menu, as shown:

The reports not listed in More Reports are context-specific, such as the four REB reports, which are primarily used in Germany, and are located in their respective ribbons (REB reports are included in the Corridor tab, in case you are wondering).

Configuring reports, for example to toggle a report to display in the Reports menu drop-down or modifying the header or footer contents, is done in the Report Options menu:

In the Report Options menu, find all reports sorted alphabetically and editable settings below.  For example, the GNSS Loop Closure Results report, which is not included in the drop-down Reports list by default, can be toggled to show in the Reports menu:

In the Report Options for the GNSS Loop Closure Report options, header, footer, report settings, and report sections can also be modified.

If you are looking for more customized reports, check out the Customized Report templates available for you to modify in Microsoft Word *.docx format.  Templates available in TBC v4.00 are Alignment Geometry, As-Staked Points, Baseline Processing, Earthwork, Network Adjustment, Point Card, Point List, and Site Calibration Reports.  

Check out the TBC Tutorial on Custom Reporting here: or the Custom Reporting Power Hour from February 2017 with Riley Smith and Adam Hussein here:

Use TBC’s reporting to deliver confident results to your clients!

TBC - Field to Finish with Confidence.