
Tip # 77 : Customizing the Ribbons Tab

By Sudam Fernando posted 06-28-2019 12:55


Remember first opening up TBC and being overwhelmed with the amount of information presented ? Even now, when I am trying to perform minor workflows I get lost due to the amount of ribbons presented. With today’s tip, I will show you how to hide some unnecessary ribbons and hopefully you are able to save some time and increase efficiency. 



First we must enter the ‘Support’ ribbon (White Arrow) and click on ‘Set Ribbon Tabs’ and we will get the following window below










In this window we are able to choose which ribbons we want to be displayed in TBC. If we click the drop down list ‘Current Ribbon Tab Layout’ we can see there are preset choices available. ‘Construction’ would be more suitable for a construction workflow while ‘Survey’ for more surveying focused workflow. 


as an example, lets imagine I was given a data set of point clouds taken from a SX-10 scanner and I was ordered to register the scans and clean up the data and create surfaces using those point clouds. Instead of having all of these extra ribbon’s open, I will go ahead and only keep the essentials. 



As we can see only the required ribbons are visible and allows us to navigate through the workflow with much greater ease. 


Hope this tip helps you finish your workflow with ease and efficiency. Happy Friday !