
Tip of the Week #31 - TBC Help is closer than you think

By Joseph Blecha posted 03-05-2018 15:49


You're using TBC to perform a network adjustment for the first time and you're wondering why the Results tab in the Adjust Network pane is telling you the Chi Square (95%) test failed. And what is a Chi square (95%) test anyway? Well the answer may be a lot closer than you think. No need to crank up Google or call your dealer. Simply press the F1 key. A TBC Help topic displays providing an explanation of all of the Adjust Network options, including Chi squares (95%).




And if you want to learn more about the network adjustment workflow in general, click the handy Related topic link at the bottom of the page. Or, click the Contents tab in the Help window to view all of the related network adjustment topics.



All of the command panes and dialogs in TBC support F1 Help functionality. So context-sensitive help is always close at hand. And most Help topics provide links to related topics.


So what if you have heard about the Chi Square (95%) test, want to know how it is used in TBC, but are not in the Adjust Network command pane. Help is still close by. Simply press F1 to open the TBC Help window, type "Chi Square" in the search field at the top of the window, and click the Search button. Note that the "Network Adjustment Options" topic displays at the top of the list. This is the topic that provides the most extensive mention of "Chi Square." 



Note also that the search term is highlighted in the topic to help you easily find it.



The TBC Help also includes a comprehensive glossary that can be accessed from the Contents tab or via a word search.



To make it even easier to perform a task while you are reading the instructions, all "how-to" procedural Help topics include a direct command link to the associated command. This makes it easier and faster to launch the command than searching in the TBC command ribbon.



If you simply want to quickly view an overview and review "fast-track" instructions for performing a task, click the Workflow Guides link on the Start page. Embedded command links make it easy to perform the task as you follow the instructions.


And if you want to go more in-depth and gets some hands-on experience using real data, click the Tutorials link on the Start page. Then select the tutorial you want to download. Each download ZIP file includes the instructions and data/project files you to need to perform the tutorial.


On the other hand, if you prefer to learn while watching someone else perform tasks, you can always click the TBC Survey YouTube Channel link on the Start page to see what's new on the tube.


As you can see, there's a lot of choices for how you learn about TBC. Simply pick the combination that works best for you.


TBC - Field to Finish with Confidence

1 comment


03-05-2018 23:10

Tip from my side – create on your desktop the shortcut with following link

C:\Program Files\Trimble\Trimble Business Center\Support\iv\Help