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Restriction of downloading

  • 1.  Restriction of downloading

    Posted 04-03-2020 06:58

    Hi there, 


    As a project administrator how do I set folder and files for a simple user to not able to download it? Can I prevent that any user download a file (e.g. IFC model)? Setting "Read-Only Access" is not enough for it.


    Thank you in advance,
    Kristóf Szigeti



  • 2.  RE: Restriction of downloading

    Posted 01-18-2021 07:25
    I have the same question. Any insight from Trimble?

    Ryan Barker

  • 3.  RE: Restriction of downloading

    Posted 01-18-2021 11:41
    I think I figured it out. Permissions are set on the folder level, and only via the web app. Link below for anyone else that may have this question-

    Ryan Barker

  • 4.  RE: Restriction of downloading

    Posted 01-19-2021 02:59
    Hi @Ryan Barker

    You are correct, permissions can only be set on the folder level and there currently isn't a way to restrict project members from being able to download.

    Overview for Folder permissions (and what actions are possible) are outlined here
    How permissions are inherited by files is outlined here

    Laura Cook
    Product Manager | Trimble Connect

  • 5.  RE: Restriction of downloading

    Posted 01-19-2021 01:39
    I confirm that "read-only access" is limited to updating existing files or adding new files to a folder.

    There is a solution to share files without giving access to a folder for that you have to use the file sharing function.

    I agree with you, it would be nice to have an additional read-only option without downloading possible.
    It would also be interesting to be able to put restrictions on files ((not only on folders).


  • 6.  RE: Restriction of downloading

    Posted 01-19-2021 07:07
    It seems to me that calling it "read-only access" is a little deceiving then. To me, that should mean a user can only read the files, not download them. From a data security perspective, I'd think controlling a user's ability to download a file is more important than controlling their ability to add a file. I can delete or recover an erroneous file, but once someone has downloaded a file, they have it forever. That means we either have to exclude certain files from the model or exclude certain users. Neither is a good option.

    Ryan Barker

  • 7.  RE: Restriction of downloading

    Posted 01-29-2021 08:44

    "view and not download" is a tricky concept.  To view the file in any client, it must be downloaded in a viewable form - either PDF for 2D or our 3D format TRB.  Also note that both the Windows and Mobile clients allow offline access (considered critically important by many users), so these viewable files (if not also the original formats) need to be kept in local storage on the device.

    Do you want to allow users to access the viewable form of a model, but not the original form (e.g. IFC)? What if the original file is a PDF (so viewable is the same as original)?
    Would you want to block offline access for some files?

    It's an interesting topic...

    Ray Bagley

  • 8.  RE: Restriction of downloading

    Posted 01-29-2021 13:58

    I understand what you are saying, for offline access a file must be downloaded. In my opinion, the simple solution is to add the ability to deny offline access/download permissions to users. For example, I want to collaborate on a potential project with a vendor, but I don't want the vendor to have permanent access to my model and all of its data. So I allow read-only/online viewing of the model, and if I need to revoke access at any point, I can. 


    A user can screenshot a PDF or model view, there is no getting around that. But the ability to keep model files and the data they contain is a different level of risk IMO. Ideally the access control would be at the user level, not the file level. That would be easier to manage.

    Ryan Barker