Hi Ankit,
Thanks for your help.
I have changed "name" to "Name" yet still not getting any properties in the return:
It now looks like this:
[ { "name": "Undefined", "type": "IFCSITE", "objectId": "15J0fXfYHCIftexZmPTl6j", "fileId": "sOtNh6SRKL8", "versionId": "sOtNh6SRKL8" }, { "name": "DRG PROJ NAME", "type": "IFCPROJECT", "objectId": "1UbMWMN_H57wJUYCj_hAFh", "fileId": "sOtNh6SRKL8", "versionId": "sOtNh6SRKL8" }, { "name": "Undefined", "type": "IFCBUILDING", "objectId": "3He$VaknjAxexMzkeQ_KPv", "fileId": "sOtNh6SRKL8", "versionId": "sOtNh6SRKL8" }, { "name": "Undefined", "type": "IFCBUILDINGSTOREY", "objectId": "0bkZXPlv51_w3Iztvl8ECH", "fileId": "sOtNh6SRKL8", "versionId": "sOtNh6SRKL8" }, { "name": "SLAB", "type": "IFCSLAB", "objectId": "0i2i8KkkH5zwFYQF$h_aGd", "fileId": "sOtNh6SRKL8", "versionId": "sOtNh6SRKL8" }, { "name": "SLAB", "type": "IFCSLAB", "objectId": "2_zl$bcezEpuT51FBScWJl", "fileId": "sOtNh6SRKL8", "versionId": "sOtNh6SRKL8" } ]
I would expect the return to include a properties array just like the sample return found in the documentation:
[ { "name": "Level 03 - T.O. Basement Slab", "type": "IfcBuildingStorey", "objectId": "eabed363-0187-429d-91a7-2d7d264a0fe4", "fileId": "acIKX4f6WM8", "versionId": "nk_d341SbSc", "boundingBox": { "min": [ 0, 0, 0 ], "max": [ 0, 0, 0 ] } }, { "name": "Default", "type": "IfcBuildingElementProxy", "objectId": "850f4571-facc-4f2b-a9bf-3388ee48e9fb", "fileId": "acIKX4f6WM8", "versionId": "nk_d341SbSc", "boundingBox": { "min": [ 4.76851416015625, -3.1367045898437502, 2.6590625 ], "max": [ 6.62075537109375, -2.617723388671875, 2.82733740234375 ] }, "properties": [ { "setName": "Phasing", "setItems": [ { "name": "Phase Created", "type": "STRING", "value": "Project Completion", "rank": 1 }, { "name": "Phase Demolished", "type": "STRING", "value": "None", "rank": 2 } ] }, { "setName": "GTeam_Quantity_Data", "setItems": [ { "name": "NetVolume", "type": "VOLUMEUNIT", "value": 0.041234799777128, "rank": 1 }, { "name": "NetSurfaceArea", "type": "AREAUNIT", "value": 1.02469834657479, "rank": 2 } ] } ] } ]
Any ideas as to why the object's properties aren't being displayed?