Hello Denis and Hyungon,
At first, best wishes for the new year 2019 !
Thanks you very much for your response.
To be fast on our problems, we didn't succeed to cast "AndroidJavaObject" to "Context" for DriverManager.
Denis, we successfully configure Unity with .NET 4.X version. DLL import works perfectly (from Xamarin SDK), and we can use assembly class on using. We copy Catalyst.Droid abstract class from sample and no error on compilation
Otherwise, Hyungon, even is the .NET version seems OK, we have a problem to use DriverManager object. For now, we need to use this part of code:
public CatalystFacade(string appGuid, Context context)
_appGuid = appGuid;
_driverManager = new DriverManager(_appGuid, context);
_context = context;
And we want to instantiate CatalaystFacade like this:
AndroidJavaClass unityPlayer = new AndroidJavaClass("com.unity3d.player.UnityPlayer");
AndroidJavaObject activity = unityPlayer.GetStatic<AndroidJavaObject>("currentActivity");
AndroidJavaObject context = activity.Call<AndroidJavaObject>("getApplicationContext");
_facade = new CatalystFacade.Droid.CatalystFacade(AppGuid, context);
But last line, type is not the good one: AndroidJavaObject can not be Context type. We have tried to cast, or to use trick:
Context context = activity.Call<Context>("getApplicationContext");
we have an error from java lib:
JNI: Unkown signature for Type 'Android.Content.Context' (obj = Android.Content.Context) equal
We are stuck on this type: DriverManager want a Context type (recognized on visual code editor, with Mono.Android.dll imported), but we have only a AndroidJavaObject on Unity.
We are open to any advices !
Thanks you for your help,
PS: Some useful details: