Novapoint Geosuite

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Trimble's Novapoint Geosuite is the package that every Geotechnical engineer needs for design, planning, drawing production, calculations and 3D modeling in a project – all this can be handled in a full collaboration model with full BIM in Novapoint, and Quadri. These platforms move Geotechnics into a seamless world where data can be shared, wherever in the world you are.

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18.10.2023 (October 18th): Digital Trimble Userdays 2023, Sweden
24.11.2023 (November 24th): Geoteknikkdagen 2023, Oslo, Norway
14.03.2024 (March 14th): Grundläggningsdagen 2024, Stockholmsmässan i Älvsjö, Sweden
18-20.9.2024 (September 18 - 20): Nordic Geotechnical meeting (NGM) 2024, Gothenburg, Sweden


  • Geosuite Presentation MVP - Plans to launch Q4, 2024

    We are excited to share that the Geosuite team plans to launch a Minimum Viable Product (MVP) version of the new Geosuite Presentation in the fourth quarter of this year! 

    Please note that this will not be the full version, but an early release to give you a preview of what's to come. The MVP consists of two applications (Desktop and Web) that are connected to the same geotechnical data.

    In the Desktop version, you have a new simplified user interface, connections to CAD, and much more.

    In the Web application, which can also be used with mobile/tablet, you can plan and follow up field investigations, view drawings and more.

    We are also happy to announce that we are working on an Geosuite API, which will allow you to extract data from your Geosuite Projects and use it in in house solutions, excel spreadsheets and so forth.

    After the release, we will continue to work with the MVP, creating releases with new functionalities regularly, until the full version is ready.

    Interested in using Geosuite API?

    If you are interested in working with a Geosuite API and want to discuss how it can be used in your company, or if you have any other questions, please contact Anders Rosenquist

    P.S. The MVP is included in the Geosuite Presentation license!

  • New Release OUT NOW-2020.0.11

    Geosuite latest version 2020.0.11 is out now!

    Includes major improvements for:

    • GS Piles
    • GS Archive
    • GS Presentation

    Read more under Release Notes 

  • Geosuite Cloud varningssignaler

    Uppdatering: Åtgärdat.


    Det pågår underhållning i Geosuite Cloud angående visning och interaktion med undersökningspunkter (GrundvattenrörSonderingarSättningar). Det gäller primärt:

    • Undersökningspunkter, SGF-symboler, att visas i detaljerad skala.
    • Funktioner för att Ladda ner alla utredningsdokument och Beställ GeoSuite-format
    • Funktion för att hämta hem mätserier. Användaren får felmeddelande Webbplats kan inte nås. 

    Ni som vill jobba i Geosuite Cloud, ber vi er att ha lite tålamod. Vi är i kontakt med Stockholms stad och åtgärdar dem ovastående. 

  • Geosuite EAP v1.0.2 available

    Announcement for Swedish/ Norwegian customers involved in EAP: 


    Nu finns Geosuite EAP v1.0.2 tillgänglig. 
    Vänligen läs "Release Notes" på innan du börjar testa.
    Hur får jag tillgång till den nya versionen?
    • Har du någon tidigare EAP-version installerad så startar du programmet. Då kommer det att upptäcka att en ny version finns och automatiskt uppdateras.
    • Har du inte någon tidigare EAP-version installerad så laddar du ned senaste version från Se fliken "Clients".
    När kan jag ge feedback?
    Feedback kan ges fram till och med den 22:a oktober. Den ges på Se fliken "Feedback".
    Om jag har frågor?
    Undrar du något så når du oss på

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  • Posted in: GeoSuite

    Release Notes Geosuite 2020.0.12 Version 2020.0.12 Release date: 2024-09-30 ...

  • Posted in: GeoSuite

    Compatibility of CAD versions for Geosuite. Geosuite Novapoint version Autocad ...

  • Posted in: GeoSuite

    We are excited to share that the Geosuite team plans to launch a Minimum Viable Product (MVP) version ...

  • Posted in: GeoSuite

    (For Engish see below) Om Trycksonderingen ritas ut i Geosuite, som det visas nedan och man har testat ...

  • Posted in: GeoSuite

    (For Swedish see below) Error message No such Feature exists Host ID error osv Problem ...