Sounds like you still saving from Excel in UTF-8.
If so you might see the Unicode Byte Order Mark as in the first line of the file which causes the error, it looks like this: 
If it's there you can simply delete that line, but better to save in the right format.
Exactly which option are you selecting when "saving as" from Excel? There are a number of choices.
John Winkler
Original Message:
Sent: 05-26-2022 10:33
From: Daniel Plante
Subject: Create Waypoint with pathfinder office 5.85 - for GEO 7X GPS - Windows 10 problem
Been using same method to create waypoints for my Geo 7X GPS for 10 yrs.
I had (still have) Windows 7 computer - Office 2013 and Pathfinder office 5.85.
Now I have a Windows 10 with probably Office 365 - same pathfinder office.
Since i have my new computer, it dosent work (and I want to know why).
1st I have a shapefile (ArcGis 10.3) with my points (coordinates). I open the .dbf with Excel and export it in " note pad" - Text (separator: tabulation)
I modify the text file to fit pathfinder office.
I open pathfinder office and I import ASCII
It works when i do everything in windows 7, not working in windows 10.
In windows 10, a strange letter appears in pathfinder office. (you can check the 2 pictures of the same file)
Brendon Edge tip me (thanks) as the notepad is now encoded in UTF-8 (Windows 10) and not in ANSI (as Windows 7).
So I changed the .txt in ANSI and though it works (The strange character disapear), when I press ok, its always saying : - "invalid format at first line" (Windows 10 computer)
I take the exact same file. I use the pathfinder office with my Windows 7 computer. Works perfectly.
I can keep the Windows 7 computer for a while, but someday I'll have to use the new one.
anyone has a tip for me
Daniel Plante