Definitely try Mark's suggestion first, rebooting the DA2 and forcing it to forget previous pairings. Sometimes you Unpair/Remove/Forget the DA2 in your Android settings and then Re-Pair the Bluetooth to produce the same affect.
I support these kinds of connection issues daily (Android/iOS/TerraFlex/FieldMaps/Mobile Manager/Etc) and the best advice I can give MGIS users of these Android & iOS mobile device setups is to CHECK FOR UPDATES and TEST BEFORE YOU LEAVE the office.
If you're planning to do some fieldwork do not wait until you are on the work site before you fire everything up. I get so many calls from users who say they last used their gear 2wks ago and now they have to get this data collected but they cannot get it working. Before you leave the office connect your device to the office Wi-Fi and check for System Updates for your Android or iOS. The go to the App Store/Google Play Store and run all app updates that are available. ALL the apps, not just the Trimble or ESRI apps. Sounds trivial but you never know when some small Google or Apple update has an affect on the security/stability of wireless connections. Then finally, for Catalyst users, connect your DA1 or DA2 to Trimble Mobile Manager, allow it get a good position, then check the Position Source section in the menu to see if there is a Firmware Update for the DA2 itself. I believe the current version is FW 1.51
Checking for updates and running your setup before you leave the office will save you time in the field.
Reid Joy
Original Message:
Sent: 04-11-2023 15:22
From: Jack Dalton
Subject: DA2 antenna not connecting to Bluetooth
Last week on Wednesday the 5th I was having trouble suddenly connecting the DA2 receiver to the Trimble Terraflex and Mobile Manager apps. I went into my Bluetooth settings on my office's mobile device we use for field GPA mapping, a Samsung Galaxy S20 FE 5G. Since that, the DA2 Trimble receiver has not appeared on this phone's Bluetooth in available devices, nor my or my coworkers personal devices.
The DA2 Trimble receiver connects to a power source, will turn on and blink blue indicating it is searching for a connection, but will not appear in available devices to pair with any Bluetooth device I have tried. I have tried to reset network connections on my Samsung device, I have tried to uninstall and re-install Trimble Mobile Manager and Trimble Terraflex, but I still cannot get the receiver to connect.
We have a replacement geo 7X to use in field mapping in the meantime, and I am in contact with Trimble Support, but no one seems to have any answers and we have projects we need to get out and map this week. Has anyone else encountered this issue? Is it fixable or is this a bug and I should get a new DA2 receiver? We have only had this device for a year and it is disappointing to have it rendered unusable in such a short period of time.
Jack Dalton
Senior Wetland Scientist
Environmental Science & Assessment LLC
Jack Dalton